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Still here and a small ask for help


Oct 13, 2012
Hi All,

For those that know me then you'll remember that i jetted off to the USA last May and i'm afraid I haven't been here much since then. This being a primarily UK forum I really didn't feel the need to advertise our e-liquids here (understandably shipping puts a lot of people off getting USA juices) .

Well I wanted to come back on and let you all know that I am now extremely happily married and as of last week have my US greencard (another reason I couldn't post much as I didn't want anything I put to be taken as work)...

Now I will ask that the mods move this post if it's in the wrong place but as it carries two different messages I wasn't sure where to post it...

Myself and my wife have built up a business from virtually nothing to the start of a nice little business however like most places that start with nothing investing everything we have back into the business it has taken us a long time to get where we are - This is where the plea for help comes in - We need your help to get our business to the next level. Were not asking for money or for anyone to buy stuff although i'll be more than happy to serve you as always but what we are asking for is if you have a facebook account then if you could vote for us for the Fedex small business grant then we would be extremely appreciative. This could mean the absolute world to us to be able to leapfrog our business a little bit further and get ourselves well and truly into the game .

Anyone that can vote please do so on the following link http://smallbusinessgrant.fedex.com/Gallery/Detail/5fde8e80-a524-4c69-8f96-c1983fd3458a you can vote daily or if and when you can - Every single vote we can get is appreciated. Please do help a vaping company win :D

Again mods if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete it, hopefully you know me well enough to know that I won't take anything personal if it's deleted.

Please do feel free to get in touch with me here or PM me and i'll hit you up with my facebook address to come and say hello. I hope you are all vaping strong and your mods are going like the day that I made them :D

Thank you very much,
Warlord!!! I've missed you! We have loads of Americans here now :P

I've moved this down to Vendor news and discussion and I voted for you!

How are you liking the states? I miss it :(
Thank you KMS I'm very good and currently enjoying the -20 loveliness of Vermont :D Thanks and thanks - For the move and the vote.. Glad you've got some US vendors kicking around now - i'll have to hop into the thread tomorrow and update everything lol - We've moved from our first five juices to 35 and climbing - We still have some naughty names but some normal ones as well now :D
Voted :), Glad you are ok and now being happily married are well on the way to being domesticated ;) .
Thank you everyone - Just so you all know we are now third in the e-cigs category although some of them have been voting for months and others haven't even voted for themselves. There is 11 days left to vote and 1000 small businesses in there in total - Again not all of them have any votes at all.. A very big thank you everyone .. I'll pop you a pic of some proper snow up at some point :D
Woohoo thanks everyone for voting with 5 days of voting left to go we're now second in the e-cigs section - Of course we'd love all the vape stores to get through to the next round but not so secretly if there's only one going through we'd like it to be us :D
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