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Firstly I'm a big fan of Spiritus vapes; great shop. I like the grizzly line (I've had a couple) although they are a bit subtle in flavour. Secondly, I must also state that I'm a newb vapist and very particular (fussy) in my tastes.

I have bought Huck my juice and Vees ADV.
Huch my juice is advertised (wrongly IMHO) as a lemonadey taste. It isn't. There is far too little sweetness, and a very strong taste of what I assume is Huckleberry (and quite angry Huckleberry at that). I can only use it in small quantities, and to be honest I feel a little disappointed by the description (I am searching for a nice sweet refreshing lemonade which is not like acid or sherbet).
Vees ADV is actually very pleasant. I wouldn't describe it as overly strawberry, it's a bit more complex (a hint of huck in that too?). Perfectly nice for an all day vape. Would buy again.
All in all surprising as I didn't expect the like the strawberry based flavour more than the huckleberry lemonade (god knows what I'm going to do with it, put it with all of the other juice I'm not keen on I suppose). In the mean time, I'll be avoiding all of these sexy expensive juices. I've bought too many that I've not liked now (epic, nicoticket and now SMJ) it's just too pricey to find that the description is kaka and the juice not to my taste.
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Firstly I'm a big fan of Spiritus vapes; great shop. I like the grizzly line (I've had a couple) although they are a bit subtle in flavour. Secondly, I must also state that I'm a newb vapist and very particular (fussy) in my tastes..

I'll have another look through the descriptions and might give them a tweak, definitely don't want to not deliver on a promise!

For lemonade's, one of the grizzly is a really nice lemonade flavour, can't remember which but drop me a pm with your last order number and I'll email you ;)

Bombies blackout city's a nice limoncello flavour too that could be right for you.
I'll have another look through the descriptions and might give them a tweak, definitely don't want to not deliver on a promise!

For lemonade's, one of the grizzly is a really nice lemonade flavour, can't remember which but drop me a pm with your last order number and I'll email you ;)

Bombies blackout city's a nice limoncello flavour too that could be right for you.
Ha, I've had a few of the grizzly vapes (as you'll see from my order history). In fact they're probably the best juices I've had so far.
I'll definitely try out that blackout though. Thanks for the recommendation!
Apologies for being a bit negative. It is frustrating buying expensive (but top quality) juices to find you don't like them!
I think I'm just fussy, I've had very few juices that I've liked to the point that I'd buy them again and I've spend a fair few quid on them!
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