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Suffer the Children?


Jul 18, 2012
Nicked off Twitter. Interesting article about kids experimentation with ecigs. I don't see any weight behind this oft quoted assertion that ecig companies are marketing ecigs to kids (quite the reverse) but its pretty inevitable children's natural inclination to try stuff will lead some to start Vaping.

Personally Im relaxed about it. But then I no longer have young kids ...

You know I think actually the way some are sold at the moment are all wrong and could encourage kids much more. The way tptb seem to be wanting it to go is that ecigs will be available anywhere that tobacco products are sold and I'm not sure that is a good thing. Proper ecig retailers (on the whole) are strict about selling to under 18s, ie they don't. But I know loads of corner shops where ecigs and eshisha are right out in the counter and they will sell to anyone as there isn't a rule in place. Now I know eshisha are Nic free but they are brightly coloured, have great flavours and if I was that age I'd probably try one and that is more of a gateway to ecigs than the honest vendors selling in a responsible manner.

id go so far as to say that ecig high street shops should be encouraged. Don't make them medical devices but maybe vendors could have a license like off licences have to have for selling alcohol. The supermarkets and chemists could also have the licences and it could be controlled and regulated that way. This would soon weed the cowboys out as well as giving easy access to the products in a responsible way. It would also help to fill some shops on the high street too so everyone is a winner :)

id much rather my boys vaped than smoked but I'd be even happier if they didn't do any of it.
Got to say if I'd been Vaping when the lad was younger not smoking, I'd be much happier about him trying it than fags.

What none of these articles ever says is what has happened to teenage smoking?... I don't know personally, if less kids are smoking behind the bike shed, or trying out fags proper something that no one seems to look at.

FFS when I was growing up we had fake chocolate fags in papers and a soft fag packetesque wrapper down the corner shop.... And edible rolling baccy ( Spanish gold I think it was called) ...
If one of my kids were having sex I'd much rather they were taking precautions. At some point they might experiment with stuff, I'd rather it be weed and vaping than heroin and fags.
forgot all about the edablie baccy god it was fecking great , you would get locked up for coming out with it now but back in the day it was fab :)
My boys (aged 13 and 15) have told me that many of their friends already smoke secretly when they are out in the street with their mates. They both told me they hadn't tried it (not sure I believe it, I was their age once and was smoking) but I would rather they vaped than smoked. I have given them all the info I can about the dangers of smoking tobacco. My eldest is really interested in how e-cigs work (he's really into engineering etc) and I am getting the feeling that he is wanting to try my kit. I wonder if he has already. I don't want them hooked on nicotine but if they ever tell me they are smoking I would try get them to vape instead.
My boys (aged 13 and 15) have told me that many of their friends already smoke secretly when they are out in the street with their mates. They both told me they hadn't tried it (not sure I believe it, I was their age once and was smoking) but I would rather they vaped than smoked. I have given them all the info I can about the dangers of smoking tobacco. My eldest is really interested in how e-cigs work (he's really into engineering etc) and I am getting the feeling that he is wanting to try my kit. I wonder if he has already. I don't want them hooked on nicotine but if they ever tell me they are smoking I would try get them to vape instead.

My son does smoke, he's tried Vaping on and off usually with a cheaply clearo and ego battery as have a lot of his mates... And was even given a free cigalike kit when he was in hospital last year (by troop aid I think) that he was allowed to use on the ward.
I can't claim to be overjoyed about him smoking but at the same time at his age in his shoes I was doing the same thing... Granted the alternatives weren't there then
maybe vendors could have a license like off licences have to have for selling alcohol.

I agree with this. There is going to be more regulation on ecigs. That much is inevitable. I think it should look something like this.

EShisha should be banned. (or at least treated the same as ecigs) It's a work around to sell on ebay. They are ecigs and should be classed as such.

All ecig liquid and prefilled cartos etc should have to meet minimum standards for quality and there should be some kind of license that you need to get to be able to produce e-liquid. Same kind of standards of quality that you need to produce food which would put such a license easily within reach of a small business. Provided that you work in a clean environment, use clean bottles, adhere to CHIP regs and get samples of your liquid GC-MS tested every 3-6 months or so for nicotine strength and absence of nasties then you're good to go. Assuming that it cost a few hundred quid then it would put a delay for new e-liquid manufacturers of a couple of months (waiting for first lab results) and lots of small 'artisan' people would be able to make the stuff in a kitchen without needing to invest in clean rooms, high tech equipment and such a license would mean that insurance companies would offer PLI for e-liquid manufacture (which is pretty much essential if you make e-liquid, and is presently far out of reach of small to medium businesses) to licenced producers at a reasonable rate.

Any e-cig related sales must only to be to 18+ adults only - same age restrictions as for cigarettes.

They should keep e-cigs as consumer products but tidy up the other regulations a little to make it easier to enforce and easier to follow. Things like the sale of goods act can be a bit ambiguous (how long must a guarantee on an eGo bettery be? - what about atomisers is a DOA warranty legal for the whole atomiser or just the coil head?) there's a bunch of similar loose ends that could be tidied up.

The less control Big T or Big P can exert over the market the better and I think a license setup like that would encourage lots more competition among small businesses and stop the really bad quality cowboys selling on facebook and markets and the like.
I agree with this. There is going to be more regulation on ecigs. That much is inevitable. I think it should look something like this.

EShisha should be banned. (or at least treated the same as ecigs) It's a work around to sell on ebay. They are ecigs and should be classed as such.

All ecig liquid and prefilled cartos etc should have to meet minimum standards for quality and there should be some kind of license that you need to get to be able to produce e-liquid. Same kind of standards of quality that you need to produce food which would put such a license easily within reach of a small business. Provided that you work in a clean environment, use clean bottles, adhere to CHIP regs and get samples of your liquid GC-MS tested every 3-6 months or so for nicotine strength and absence of nasties then you're good to go. Assuming that it cost a few hundred quid then it would put a delay for new e-liquid manufacturers of a couple of months (waiting for first lab results) and lots of small 'artisan' people would be able to make the stuff in a kitchen without needing to invest in clean rooms, high tech equipment and such a license would mean that insurance companies would offer PLI for e-liquid manufacture (which is pretty much essential if you make e-liquid, and is presently far out of reach of small to medium businesses) to licenced producers at a reasonable rate.

Any e-cig related sales must only to be to 18+ adults only - same age restrictions as for cigarettes.

They should keep e-cigs as consumer products but tidy up the other regulations a little to make it easier to enforce and easier to follow. Things like the sale of goods act can be a bit ambiguous (how long must a guarantee on an eGo bettery be? - what about atomisers is a DOA warranty legal for the whole atomiser or just the coil head?) there's a bunch of similar loose ends that could be tidied up.

The less control Big T or Big P can exert over the market the better and I think a license setup like that would encourage lots more competition among small businesses and stop the really bad quality cowboys selling on facebook and markets and the like.
I don't disagree but we should note that some of our best vendors started with ( some still have) markets eg Daz Safercigs
I don't disagree but we should note that some of our best vendors started with ( some still have) markets eg Daz @Safercigs
Surely there is no reason that anyone could apply for the licence. They would still be selling within the rules of the licence? I've probably go my rosé tinted goggles on again though :)
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