Hahaha is it the one i've added couple other flavours too? verdict so far...be honest :-)
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Ill pm u in a min dude
Sent From My Galaxy S4
Don't give up. There is a little o-ring (seal/insulator) behind the positive post. Just check to make sure it's still there, sitting neatly, and visible, behind the screw.
If push comes to shove, it's no big deal to unscrew the positive post, and re assemble, making sure that the small spring and the little o-ring are in place. Hopefully (fingers crossed) that will stop any leaking via the pin.
Although it unscrews, the positive pin is not designed to be adjustable. There is only one 'setting', this will vary from clone to clone, and amongst examples of the same clone. It's just a matter of assembling the firing pin and tightening until it's all sitting snug but once it's set for the individual GT, that's it. It won't be good in any other position. This may mean that the pin may be sticking out more on one clone than on another.
I seem to have got this sorted out now, well not leaking any more but it will not fire on my DNA30 because I have adjusted the pin to where it was when I got it. It works on the mods that I can adjust the pin on but it shorts on my DNA30 because the pin is not making contact. So my next question, is there a slightly longer screw I can get so that it is far enough out to make contact on my DNA30.
I had the same problem with my partners mvp, can you carefully raise the pin in the DNA 30 with a little screw driver, very gently. If not the other thing I did was to adjust the screw on the TFGT and then just added an extra Oring, it stopped the little leak ;-).
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