I checked a youtube video on the cigreen tube, and it does seem a 18350 tube comes with it (at least the guy in the video switched to one, but it's in a language I don't understand)
Yeah, looks quite nice, but pretty long - I wouldn't bother with the 18350 configuration personally, I'd have to carry 2 or 3 spares around with me all the time, and the lower amp limit might be a problem for some attys. No TCR adjustment is a big minus for me too.
I don't get it, Joyetech and Eleaf are pushing out tiny mods with full TC functionality and Dicodes are the only ones who can put the technology it in a 22 mm tube? And they were doing adjustable TCR tube mods in early 2015 - well before anyone else even put it in a box as far as I know.
I'd love to see Dicodes release some kind of "TC kick" as @bullgog said. Maybe you could adjust TCR like you do Watts in a normal kick, but it's tricky to figure out how temp adjustment would work. Maybe a unit that screws in between the battery and the battery cap that you can twist to adjust temp (think Vision spinner/eGo twist), but then you have threading compatibility issues.