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TC with 316L SS at 22AWG not working?

One thing not mentioned so far. Check you have the latest firmware version. The original xcube2 took a year for Smok to get the firmware right forr ss wire.
yeah i think i'll redo the coils with 24/26 guage and see if it helps.

I didn't purposely choose TCR on the smok; when you choose temp mode it asks for the initial ramp up power (low, soft normal etc..) then the coil type and then the next screen asks you to set the TCR of the SS you're using. There isn't any way to just select SS/Ni/Ti without also setting the TCR - which is good i thought, because of all the different types of SS// available. The TCR for SS was already set at 0.00092 from factory too.

but seeing as it works so well in the kangers and i'm using 24 guage, it's probably the thicker wire that's throwing the TC off.

I wanted thick wire though, because I assumed you can put more power through it (as it has a lower resistance) and has more contact with the cotton so would produce more flavour and vapour too, unless i'm wrong - somebody feel free to bring me up to speed!!

It might be worth mentioning that, depending on where you buy, the AWG value may not be exactly correct if they are measuring their wire in mm, or at least it wont correlate as far as steam engine is concerned. I bought a range of SS wires when I started, but the ones I use for pretty much everything is labelled as 0.43mm even though I know when I bought them that all the sizes were stated as AWG - this was the ‘crazy wire co’ via ebay although they have other names. Unfortunately I cant remember what the 0.43mm was supposed to be in AWG, but steam engine gives 0.455mm for 25AWG and 0.405mm for 26 AWG. I checked with a cheap micrometer which (to my astonishment) confirmed the 0.43mm.

Does it make a difference? Not a lot I’d think, but if you’re entering an AWG figure for a wire thats actually not quite true into steam engine or an app, clearly some figures will be off.

I’ve also seen the SS316L TCR given as 0.00092 on various forums, including at least one suggestion it worked ‘better’ with Smok mods - YMMV! Sorry I don’t have links for this, just the notes I made at the time.

I have 3 Smok mods and a variable experience of TC on them; the dinky little Q-Box mini is pretty good and consistent, although limited by the 50w max power. The 85w single battery Alien is completely hopeless, and the 220w Alien is OK to a point, but produces what can only be described as an on/off ‘wavy’ vape.
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