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teeny-tiny magnet for 510 connector???

Would it not be easier to modify the Kayfun ?
I have done a couple of my KFL clones using the following method.
Remove Kayfun centre post.
Put a silicone washer on post.
The post is now about 1mm proud of the screw threads and the post still tightens onto the contact block.
The silicone washers were made by using the cup shaped gasket thing from a protank coil and trimming it with scissors once the head of the post was inside the cup.
Thanks for the thoughts and alternative suggestions chaps. I'm handy with a soldering iron and probably will fit it with a... is it called fat-daddy or some such 510 connector? I'll do this once my nemesis arrives, I'll not try before owing to being too scared of leaving myself with no decent power-source.

For the record, the mod is short protected so no worries with that. My magnets arrived and yes, the magnet holds weakly to the centre post owing to it seemingly not being made of steel, however as a quick temp fix it does work! woo :-)
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