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Temp control Coil Porn....

joe clay

Apr 19, 2014
Thread just for all those who wanna see
All Nickel wire built coils for your TC mod...

Lets see them here:
Spaced nickel clapton
I'm gonna make some nickel claptons tonight and play around [emoji57] while the hubby bbq's lmao
Sneaks in, posts a pic of a Ti build and sneaks back out....
Twisted 0.4mm coming in around 0.09 ohms
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1441472988.170553.jpg
It's on a subtank mini, so not a whole lot of room in there.
It's my second attempt, the first was too low, and was spitting a lot. I'm not convinced it's worth the faff yet, to be honest. It's an okay vape nevertheless.
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