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Temperature control dna

Also should I lock the resistance on the DNA or leave it?
Locking the resistance is a personal preference - I don't normally bother but if you have trouble with a poor connection it can get you out of a tough spot until you can sort the problem out properly...
I've got my settings on Escribe from djsb website which I believe are meant to be pretty good? A tutorial would be appreciated.
The coils reads 0.26 when cold if that helps and the main reason I'd like to get them working is a bought a shed load of the 0.2 rafele coils to use in my crown 2 for out and about vaping. At home I build my own (cheat a bit using pre mades) but until now have only really used Kanthal although I have some pre wound stainless on the slow boat from China.
The 0.2 coils for the Rafale are really ment for wattage vaping - SS is a nuisance in that it can be used for both wattage and TC - you'll also need to be sure which grade of SS the coils are as the responses are somewhat different...
I'm not sure where you get this from but it is completely wrong, I've never experienced any burning of the wick from preheat and preheat should not exceed the set temperature anyway. I use preheat set to 100w or 75w on the DNA75 and have it set at 6 which is the middle of the range.
A correctly built atomiser should give extremely stable temperature - as shown below
View attachment 103280

I have noticed that SS316 is less stable on the graph but the experience is fairly consistent
View attachment 103282
When setting up your new DNA device take the time to check all the settings and to download all the wire types you're likely to use on to your mod, ensuring you clean out any duplicate entries for material types (I get rid of the standard profiles and replace them with ones from Steam Engine), Once youve done that take time to ensure you've got each of the 8 vaping profiles set how you want them and once you're sure everything is the way you want it upload to the device and save it as a "Standard" mod profile (BTW I always save the profile that the device comes set with as "Default modname profile".
Once you've done all that then providing you've built your atomiser correctly and connected it when cold then everything should work perfectly - time after time, day after day - I know I've vaped almost exclusively TC since the DNA40 came out, and have 5 DNA200's and 2 DNA75's...

This is exactly my experience with my graphs using Nife 30 looking like the top one, I don't use much of a preheat though.
I'm having nothing but trouble with ss and tc at the mo , I've gone back to kanthal for now b4 I throw in the towel , I just wish tubbyengineer lived next door to me ...
Yep I feel like that. I sold all my other mods and bought a collection of dna 200, 133 and 75 mods but I just can't seem to get it the way I want even using Escribe which I don't find difficult to use.
Use the SS in power mode, its nice vape in power mode but not the best TC wire. Get some NiFe for TC is much better for TC and pretty easy to work with. There is loads of info on NiFe in these forums. Its all I use for TC now and love it on my DNA's, using up all my SS on dripper now!
I must be lucky because after my first TC experiments with Ti (awful stuff IMO), I started using 304 s/steel in TC without any issues, now using 316 in TC for a while and everything works just fine. Yeah granted it took a little bit of fudging about on escribe and some trial & error to get it right but it works perfectly for me, coils last for months as well.
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