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Tesla invader 2/3 major issue


Jun 6, 2018
Hey guys this is my first post , if it's in the wrong place or I have done something wrong please tell me and I'll rectify it.
Now to my issue , I've had the Tesla invader 2/3 for a while.now and have had no issues but all of a sudden today as soon as I put batteries in and close the back plate it will immediately fire the coil on my tank without me pressing the button and will keep going until I remove the back plate , have tried different tanks and the same issues , any ideas on how to fix this ?
We used to stock Tesla products but had too many similar issues so stopped selling them.
Try contacting them? They do reply quite quick
Hey guys this is my first post , if it's in the wrong place or I have done something wrong please tell me and I'll rectify it.
Now to my issue , I've had the Tesla invader 2/3 for a while.now and have had no issues but all of a sudden today as soon as I put batteries in and close the back plate it will immediately fire the coil on my tank without me pressing the button and will keep going until I remove the back plate , have tried different tanks and the same issues , any ideas on how to fix this ?
Could you have a tare in your battery wrap that's making contact with the door? Got a pic?
Could you have a tare in your battery wrap that's making contact with the door? Got a pic?
There is a small tear in one the batteries now
that I look at them closely , don't have an extra wrap at the moment , would normal electrical tape work the same ?
There is a small tear in one the batteries now
that I look at them closely , don't have an extra wrap at the moment , would normal electrical tape work the same ?
Yeah as a short term fix but they need to be wrapped asap [emoji6] and let me know if it stops the autofiring
Gunna call into the local shop and get some wraps see if that helps , electrical tape unsurprisingly didn't work
Never had this with my Tesla 2/3, I've known it happen to a Tesla Invader III. The other thing to consider is the fire button, due to it's position, it's easy to get juice in there.
I've had the Tesla invader 2/3 for a while

Assuming it's not a battery issue, your options depend on how long the while is. If under warranty take it back to the shop, if not, sounds like a dismantle and clean job. Remember ritual sacrifice before attempting a repair.
Thanks for the replies everyone , left it into the shop and they're Gunn try their best , looks like it was juice getting into the fire button which caused the damage , don't think there's much to be done but will have to wait and see :)
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