So is this a free-for-all now, or do we have to wait til 10am tomorrow? I'd love to test out your new mod @JAC Vapour, but saw the thread too late and you'd just posted reply #29 so I thought I'd wait til there are over another 20 posts so I've probably missed out completely, unless you're only going to open the list again tomorrow and we've just all been getting too excited! Please could you clarify?
As Cindy pointed out, in the interest of fairness we will be opening up 10 more at 10am tomorrow and then 10am the following morning, So if people can hold off and submit then thanks.
I hope the testing doesn't involve any reading lol
we start you off with some light reading on the history of electronic theory, after that we do a spot test on one of the volumes, and if you pass, you're then brought into JAC HQ and subjected to a barrage of flashing JAC Vapour propaganda for 24hrs straight, we then get you to complete the 5 min feedback on the device.