Simon G
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… in which we review Arcadia, the first in a series of four Rope Cut tobacco flavours.
Simon: So which one do you want to start with? … Have a sniff.
Crewella: I would if I could open the fucking bottles!
Simon: lol.... seriously? … sorry. (not sorry, Si)
Crewella: Seriously - it even took OH a few goes ............. but by some 'random' chance we happened to have managed to open Arcadia. So .......... OK with you?
Simon:Yup, that's fine with me.
Crewella: Give me an hour or so - I'm still sitting here in my coat so need to get changed, grab some scran and put a build in something.
Simon: no worries, get yourself sorted.
Crewella: Arcadia smells lovely, by the way. Nutsville!
Simon: It smells delicious. when you are fed and watered I want your first impression in one sentence, then I'll tell you what it's supposed to be and we can discuss.
(At this point Crewella disappeared for over an hour, I was starting to wonder if she'd choked to death on her 'scran', Si)
Crewella: OK. First impression is it's quite sweet and the nuttiness in the smell hasn't translated, I can taste something that is probably the tobacco ......... but it's not 'hitting'.
Simon: Disappointed then? It's supposed to be a sweet hazelnut tobacco.... I'm quite liking it, I think.. I mixed it at 20%, it says 25% on the bottle, do you think it needs that extra 5%? …. I can taste the tobacco, it's quite pipey to me but not super strong. It looks like this flavour has been discontinued on the Rope Cut website.
Crewella: No, not disappointed - I do like it. I'm a weirdo who eats raw lemons and likes flavours to whack me over the head and drag me off ............ I'd probably have made it up at 30%
Simon: …. I'm saying nothing.
Crewella: Your right about the tobacco flavour - it's a nice full flavour, no hint of ashtray.
Simon: yeah, it's defo not unpleasant and no it's not ashy... or even dirty really, just a little smokey I would say. I don't think it's that sweet, it's not dry but it's quite savory tasting to me.
Crewella: It always takes me a while for a new juice flavour to 'settle in' - I'm going to take it to work tomorrow and see how it goes. At the moment, I like it, but I'm not .... erm .... 'nuts' about it. The hoped-for nuttiness hasn't really shown itself yet?
Simon: Do you get any hazelnut? I'm not sure I do, not as a distinct flavour anyway... but maybe a baccy with a naturally 'hazelnutty' taste in there?
Crewella: Nope, I don't think I'm getting any kind of nut yet.
Simon: I need to stop puffing for a bit...... I feel dizzy.!
Crewella: I need to go to sleep at some point, ought to be soon. Report back tomorrow night?
Simon: yup, sounds good.... looking forward to hearing what you think after a days vaping..... find some mole grips too, so we can actually try the next one.
Crewella: I suspect I just need an adult ..............
The following evening
Simon: I was getting marzipan from this while having my morning cuppa. At the moment I'm feeling that this fits into a 'better than the cheap ass tobaccos, but not as tasty as the best ones" category.
Crewella: My feelings entirely. I don't dislike it .............. but I don't love it. I didn't taste marzipan, but there's something there ........... I wondered if the 'sweet' could be honey rather than caramel?
Simon: There's not supposed to be caramel or honey in it.
.... maybe honey though... I guess sweetness has to come from somewhere. I did vape it all day today and I will finish the concentrate off I'm sure, it nice but like you say.... it's not wacking you over the head and dragging you off anyhwere! 
Crewella: Agreed - it's like a lot of RY4 type juices - they often seem to smell nicer than they taste? I don't think the mix was too weak, it's just I found the flavour lacked a bit of depth?
Simon: As I vape this now it feels like a fairly simple mix, It doesn't seem like a very complex blend. Do you think it compares to anything else?
Crewella: I've still not managed to taste hazlenuts though ......... mebbe it's a recognisable hazlenut 'flavour' rather than actual hazlenuts and my palate needs educating?
Simon: nah, to be honest most nut flavours just taste nutty. I have everything from walnut to macadamia and I couldn't pick most of them out as a specific nut.
Crewella: .... and caramel you say? I just found this! ...... and not only can I not taste hazelnuts ............ can't spell it either!
(At this point Crewella sends me a photo and description of Arcadia that she found. “A blend of RY4, Hazelnut and Caramel”, Si)
Simon: haha, OK... caramel hazelnut RY4 it is then! That explains why I'm not over the moon with it, I don't really like RY4.
Crewella: I do like RY4 ............. but there are better ones than this.
Simon: It's weird though, I thought it was a bit pipey at first, and now all I can taste is bloody TPA RY4 Double. .. it explains why you couldn't really taste tobacco either, RY4 is NOT tobacco flavoured.
Crewella: Yes it is - RY4 is always a mix of tobacco, caramel and vanilla? “RY4 is an umbrella term for a flavor profile that incorporates three basic component flavors: a tobacco base (usually mild and understated, but occasionally stronger and more up front), caramel, and vanilla. The caramels and vanillas are as varied as the tobacco bases.”
(My sarcasm about RY4 not being a tobacco flavour seems to have gone straight over Crewella's head, Si)
Simon: Yeah, I know it is... but 'mild and understated' means it's not really. It explains why it seems to be discontinued too...... RY4 is boooooring. Is there anything else you want to add or shall we move onto the next one?
Crewella: You choose the next one - your turn?
Simon: Ok, cool.... can we try Santo Dominco next? I've had it before as a pre-made and enjoyed it.... it has coconut in.
Crewella & Simon give 'Rope Cut Arcadia' a Review Show rating of: Average/Boring
Tune in next time when we might be talking about Rope Cut's Santo Domingo.
If you would like us to talk shit about your e-liquids, please don't contact us, we don't really care.
Visit Rope Cut 'The All Weather Vape' here.
Signing off, Si and Crew x

Simon: So which one do you want to start with? … Have a sniff.

Crewella: I would if I could open the fucking bottles!

Simon: lol.... seriously? … sorry. (not sorry, Si)
Crewella: Seriously - it even took OH a few goes ............. but by some 'random' chance we happened to have managed to open Arcadia. So .......... OK with you?
Simon:Yup, that's fine with me.

Crewella: Give me an hour or so - I'm still sitting here in my coat so need to get changed, grab some scran and put a build in something.
Simon: no worries, get yourself sorted.
Crewella: Arcadia smells lovely, by the way. Nutsville!

Simon: It smells delicious. when you are fed and watered I want your first impression in one sentence, then I'll tell you what it's supposed to be and we can discuss.
(At this point Crewella disappeared for over an hour, I was starting to wonder if she'd choked to death on her 'scran', Si)
Crewella: OK. First impression is it's quite sweet and the nuttiness in the smell hasn't translated, I can taste something that is probably the tobacco ......... but it's not 'hitting'.
Simon: Disappointed then? It's supposed to be a sweet hazelnut tobacco.... I'm quite liking it, I think.. I mixed it at 20%, it says 25% on the bottle, do you think it needs that extra 5%? …. I can taste the tobacco, it's quite pipey to me but not super strong. It looks like this flavour has been discontinued on the Rope Cut website.
Crewella: No, not disappointed - I do like it. I'm a weirdo who eats raw lemons and likes flavours to whack me over the head and drag me off ............ I'd probably have made it up at 30%
Simon: …. I'm saying nothing.
Crewella: Your right about the tobacco flavour - it's a nice full flavour, no hint of ashtray.
Simon: yeah, it's defo not unpleasant and no it's not ashy... or even dirty really, just a little smokey I would say. I don't think it's that sweet, it's not dry but it's quite savory tasting to me.

Crewella: It always takes me a while for a new juice flavour to 'settle in' - I'm going to take it to work tomorrow and see how it goes. At the moment, I like it, but I'm not .... erm .... 'nuts' about it. The hoped-for nuttiness hasn't really shown itself yet?
Simon: Do you get any hazelnut? I'm not sure I do, not as a distinct flavour anyway... but maybe a baccy with a naturally 'hazelnutty' taste in there?
Crewella: Nope, I don't think I'm getting any kind of nut yet.
Simon: I need to stop puffing for a bit...... I feel dizzy.!

Crewella: I need to go to sleep at some point, ought to be soon. Report back tomorrow night?
Simon: yup, sounds good.... looking forward to hearing what you think after a days vaping..... find some mole grips too, so we can actually try the next one.

Crewella: I suspect I just need an adult ..............
The following evening
Simon: I was getting marzipan from this while having my morning cuppa. At the moment I'm feeling that this fits into a 'better than the cheap ass tobaccos, but not as tasty as the best ones" category.
Crewella: My feelings entirely. I don't dislike it .............. but I don't love it. I didn't taste marzipan, but there's something there ........... I wondered if the 'sweet' could be honey rather than caramel?
Simon: There's not supposed to be caramel or honey in it.
Crewella: Agreed - it's like a lot of RY4 type juices - they often seem to smell nicer than they taste? I don't think the mix was too weak, it's just I found the flavour lacked a bit of depth?
Simon: As I vape this now it feels like a fairly simple mix, It doesn't seem like a very complex blend. Do you think it compares to anything else?
Crewella: I've still not managed to taste hazlenuts though ......... mebbe it's a recognisable hazlenut 'flavour' rather than actual hazlenuts and my palate needs educating?
Simon: nah, to be honest most nut flavours just taste nutty. I have everything from walnut to macadamia and I couldn't pick most of them out as a specific nut.
Crewella: .... and caramel you say? I just found this! ...... and not only can I not taste hazelnuts ............ can't spell it either!
(At this point Crewella sends me a photo and description of Arcadia that she found. “A blend of RY4, Hazelnut and Caramel”, Si)
Simon: haha, OK... caramel hazelnut RY4 it is then! That explains why I'm not over the moon with it, I don't really like RY4.

Crewella: I do like RY4 ............. but there are better ones than this.
Simon: It's weird though, I thought it was a bit pipey at first, and now all I can taste is bloody TPA RY4 Double. .. it explains why you couldn't really taste tobacco either, RY4 is NOT tobacco flavoured.
Crewella: Yes it is - RY4 is always a mix of tobacco, caramel and vanilla? “RY4 is an umbrella term for a flavor profile that incorporates three basic component flavors: a tobacco base (usually mild and understated, but occasionally stronger and more up front), caramel, and vanilla. The caramels and vanillas are as varied as the tobacco bases.”
(My sarcasm about RY4 not being a tobacco flavour seems to have gone straight over Crewella's head, Si)
Simon: Yeah, I know it is... but 'mild and understated' means it's not really. It explains why it seems to be discontinued too...... RY4 is boooooring. Is there anything else you want to add or shall we move onto the next one?
Crewella: You choose the next one - your turn?

Simon: Ok, cool.... can we try Santo Dominco next? I've had it before as a pre-made and enjoyed it.... it has coconut in.

Crewella & Simon give 'Rope Cut Arcadia' a Review Show rating of: Average/Boring
Tune in next time when we might be talking about Rope Cut's Santo Domingo.
If you would like us to talk shit about your e-liquids, please don't contact us, we don't really care.
Visit Rope Cut 'The All Weather Vape' here.
Signing off, Si and Crew x