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in which we review Santo Domingo, the second in a series of four Rope Cut tobacco flavours.
Crewella: I've managed to open this one all by myself!

Had a sniff, it does smell interesting!
Simon: Santo Domingo 'an extravagant tobacco blend infused with cinnamon and coconut' Lets hope this one lives up to the 'extravagant tobacco blend' claim. lol, I don't think I can vape mediocre for another day!
Crewella: You can taste more tobacco than with the Arcadia, and I can taste the coconut. Not sure if I can taste cinnamon, but there's a 'kick' to it that might be that. Overall I like it, there's an earthy taste in there somewhere ............. something between leaf litter and damp dog ........... but I like it.
Simon: I don't know what 'leaf litter' is but I know what a damp dog is. I think that might put our readers off!
Crewella: It has a much more 'grown up' flavour.
Simon: It doesn't taste like RY4 toffee pops. What kind of tobacco is this, would you say? .... it's not like fags.
Crewella: I can't really see the tobacco as a pipe or cigar though? More of a rolling baccy than a packet ciggie?
Simon: I think it might be burly of some description, that's what I used to roll myself. I like the coconut, it's the right amount... and it's kind of spicy.... it's not in your face cinnamon, it's just like that's part of the tobacco.
Crewella: Yep, the coconut's perfect and underpins the whole flavour. I'm much more enamored of this than the Arcadia. It's a much more definite taste, much more interesting.
Simon: Defo much more interesting and flavoursome, there's more layers to explore too... compared to some RY4 double chucked in a bottle.
Crewella: It leaves a much more definable flavour after you've vaped it too ............. a much nicer lingering aftertaste.
Simon: yeah, it does linger.... I'm drinking tea and it does feel a bit like I've been smoking, got a bit of that aftertaste in my mouth.
(I hate that Cranberries song, get it out of my head!, Si)
Crewella: It's a sort of earthy/woody/leathery note? I think it's the way the tobacco mixes with the coconut ........... it's almost a mustiness ........ but I'm liking it.
Simon: I think I would recommend this to a new vaper just coming off rollies, that's when I first tried it and I enjoyed it then. It's like a rolly with some spicy coconut... which is better than rollies.
Crewella: That makes sense, I agree. I'm going to do the same with this one and take it to work tomorrow.
Simon: Sounds like a plan... this one certainly isn't boring.
Crewella: The Arcadia was fine, got me through the day pleasantly enough ............ but there was no 'wow'. We shall see with this one - I'll either love it or feel sick by the end of the day!
Simon: I'm enjoying it now, a lot .... but It could get a bit much all day, I guess we'll see.
Crewella: This is the first new flavour in a long time where I've gone 'ooooh that's interesting ....... mmmmmmmmm' and not just 'yuk' or 'meh'.
Later the following evening.
Simon: It may be one of the best tobacco flavours I've ever tasted! I've happily vaped on this today.
Crewella: Agreed ............ I've enjoyed it all day and I still like it.
Simon: What you you think about the tobacco level? As I was vaping at some points during the day I was wondering if I was just vaping a cinnamon roll-type thing with coconut on top? Or you taste the tobacco well? It might just be me getting used to it.
Crewella: I can taste the tobacco, it's more tobacco-ey than the Arcadia for me, but it's still in the mix rather than the foreground.
Simon: Yeah I think you are right.... it's just so tasty for a tobacco, I kind of forget that it is.
Crewella: Most of my favourite juices are like this, with a sort of tobacco framework to hang the other flavours from that I'd find a bit sickly without it.
Simon: It tastes woody to me ..... that's the cinnamon I'm guessing, as it comes from tree bark...... or maybe am I 'barking' up the wrong tree?
(He thinks he's hilarious, but he's not. Crew.)
Crewella: I've had a cinnamon roll and a cinnamon danish today ........... still can't much recognise a cinnamon taste from this, but I could be all cinnamoned out
Simon: .... not jealous or anything.

I love cinnamon danish.

I found it kind of built up over the day, I can feel it at the back of my throat now... it's nice. ... it makes me want a fireball. Have you ever had that? it's amazing with apple juice, it's like drinking an apple pie.
Crewella: Can't say I have ............... might try it.
Simon: Never had Fireball? ... or never had it with Apple juice?
Crewella: I just had to Google it - Canadian whisky ............... nope

........... not going there.
Simon: Noooo ... come on, it's like a sweet cinnamon bourbon! ... it's amazing, you'll love it.
Crewella: I had a bad experience with Canadian Club ........... we'll see.

I'm a boring old fart - I kind of like my whisky to taste of whisky.
Simon: Ok, here's a question.... do you think it's a good as anything by Manabush?
Crewella: Honestly? It's not up to Nokomis/Chiri Sun/Powwow Sauce, no ................ but I like it a little more than the Manabush flavours I'm not so keen on.
Simon: Gotcha, for me it's right up there with my fav Manabush, Like Waxahachie. I'm impressed....... especially after the first one we tried.
Crewella: I'm impressed too - that weird woodiness reminds me a little of the old B-Juice flavours (which I loved).
Simon: Don't say 'weird' woodiness, you'll put people off!

….. It's a delicious woody note from the tobacco.
Crewella: I was trying really hard not to say 'damp dogs' again.
Simon: lol, it tastes like a old oak table top.... that's damp because someone has spilled fireball on it. ... and a packet of desecrated coconut.
Crewela: I got no 'boozy' taste from this though. Oaky works for me, by the way - I can see that. That's where the 'leaf mould' came in - piles of old oak leaves in the woods at autumn.....
Simon: … leaf mould?
Crewella: and how did you desecrate a coconut, if I might ask? Would explain a lot though...
Simon ...
Crewella: Do you own a dog?
Simon: ... I think we might be done with this one!
Crewella: ...
Simon: What's your one word rating? .... and it can't be 'dampdog' .. something that sounds positive as we like this one! … mine is Deeeelicious!
Crewella: Take your pick from 'interesting', 'yum', and 'grown up'. What are you vaping yours in, by the way?
Simon: Corolla v1.5 ..... obviously.

... as we've mentioned apples, I think we should do the apple one next.
Crewella: Fine with me.
Simon: You know what I'm thinking straight away don't you? one apple tobacco, one cinnamon tobacco .... mix them together for a 5th flavour!!
Crewella: One pie tobacco!

….. Which is the apple tobacco?
Simon: lol, Shellback.
Crewella: Right. I'll be back when I've managed to open it!
Crewella & Simon give 'Rope Cut Santo Domingo' a Review Show rating of: Yum/Delicious
Tune in next time when we might be talking about Rope Cut's Shellback
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Signing off, Si and Crew x