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The day the vape stood still

So,does this mean that in the USA people under the age of 27 are considered to be children?
What a crock of shit,vape on,our American cousins,keep fighting on,we are with you.
I can't concieve how the lawmakers in the USA come to the decisions they do.
Surely they have half a brain between them?
Did prohibition work, fuck no.
As @joe clay says no one will tell me that I can't vape.
When I was on the stinkies the price went up so much in a bid by the NZ government to stop people smoking that I just grew my own tobacco.
Fortunately I am off that crap now, and here people are trying to dictate to me again, well all I can say is ............. Sing him a hymn.....ffuuuuuuuuccckk him
"By December 31, anyone who imports vaping products, who makes eliquid domestically or who brings products to market in the United States needs to register as a tobacco manufacturer."

Is that personal or retail?
"By December 31, anyone who imports vaping products, who makes eliquid domestically or who brings products to market in the United States needs to register as a tobacco manufacturer."

Is that personal or retail?

I read it as meaning retail but it's all so restrictive, shortsighted, and draconian that I wouldn't be surprised if I'm mistaken :O
What @scrumpox said. The US is the biggest Vape market in the world, if the Vape lobbyists in the US aren't able to turn this tide then it's pretty much game over for the vast majority of suppliers.
Like I said in another post, almost makes that piece of crap TPD look sensible. Almost.
To be fair, with the multiple lawsuits being brought against the FDA lead by one of the biggest vaping outfits in the US (Nicopure) and prominent senators to name a few, I can see this getting overturned or at least sections being thrown out completely.

It's a classic example of the FDA flexing their muscles and over stretching their power, various people I have spoken to in the industry over there don't seem too worried at present and seem to see this as a minor temporary hinderance. Vast swathes of the laws they have bought in are unconstitutional to say the least and I would imagine lawyers will have an easy time picking these apart as even FDA mouthpieces can't justify the reasoning behind them. Cotton classed as a tobacco product for example? Don't make me laugh
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