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Review The E-huge 26650 VV/VW mod - Hi Def Slideshow

Poor vamo shunned after a years service, replaced with a very Stealthy vape :eek:), I'm not sure if its name suits it tbh, dont mean to be rude but your hands are tiny,
enjoy the new shinny, try to remember where you put it last you will never find that bugger.

Espcially liked the whats the point / point of it bit made me smile.

Just dont take it on a plane :hmm:



enjoy it @pauly meatballs
Now that one looks a beast, can you take it out the house without getting stopped with a offensive weapon lol, nice review as usual M8,many thanks
That + Russian Big = all week vape !

Stealthvape will need some 30mm washers!

Give up smoking and work out while you do it. This could be the way forward for vaping, instead of additional tubes for bigger batteries you can order the 1kg, 1.5kg or the 2kg.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Strangely I have just got mine out of the cupboard, slapped a aero tank giant on with some black ninja. Lovely.
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