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Review The KSD 30W Vamo - 2 thumbs down! - HD Slideshow

Shame about this one, I kinda liked it (at first)

That's crap mate, I'd just finished reading about the same issues then noticed your post :( I was actually thinking of picking one up but definitely not now.
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ebayhomepc I've been reading similar negative reports too. The thing that shocked me were the several positive reviews on YT for this device, that's what prompted me to upload this.

I'm finding these high power devices to be very hit or miss.
ebayhomepc I've been reading similar negative reports too. The thing that shocked me were the several positive reviews on YT for this device, that's what prompted me to upload this.

I'm finding these high power devices to be very hit or miss.

Yep I've also read positive reviews but I'm beginning to think lots of people don't know the difference.

Example they see the screen saying 30w and assume it actually goes to 30w and don't know how to tell the difference.

Its like with the mvp and some ego's, people test a 1.0ohm and it works so they think its all good but actual fact is its not outputting the correct voltage etc.
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