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The rioting has begun here.

Some people will use anything as an excuse when they just want to watch things burn.

But the feeling among some communities is that their peaceful protests, over decades, are getting them nowhere. It's ok to say protest peacefully, but when you're friends and family are being victimised on a daily basis, when are you going to take a stand?
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In montgomery county where i live which borders philadelphia, this is what's going on today:

Hundreds of people gathered in Norristown to call for Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale, who called Black Lives Matter “a radical left-wing hate group," to resign.

What all the other county commissioners are saying:

“The Montgomery County Board of Commissioners hereby censure and condemn Commissioner Gale for actions violative of the Montgomery County Code of Ethics to which County employees are subject, including the false use of County title, identification or resources in connection with certain political activities, and for the dissemination of communications which negatively impact the County,” the resolution states.

His response:

Gale said in a statement Thursday that he "will not be bullied or pushed around," and said he will continue to speak for the voters who elected him.
“You can censure me but you cannot silence me,” he said.

The whole story of the police attacking the protests in philly are here if you are bored:


This is gonna be my last post about this, its totally off topic.
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