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The story of jack


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
this is jack


He is a very camera shy bird..,,so the story

We have 40 odd jackdaws here the project is a long one and we are slowly rebuilding and converting a very large house or rather houses

Jack is a baby I was told jackdaws are on the level of a nine year old child

He arrived whilst I was eating lunch he likes bacon sandwiches twixs he is not keen on Pepsi max but does like a cup of tea

For a few weeks now he would hop on the van and say hi at 7am

Then during the day he would sit about the place in the garage

He was yet to fly so walked about alot

He talks all the time and everyone loves him

Mom and dad weren’t keen on the situation and made a hell of a din but they calmed down

I have made a friend as it were for a while at least his curiosity won over him and I felt a sense of coming home when I got here, with him appearing chirping and tapping the windscreen although I never touched him, jack let me feed him by hand once or twice I kept my distance from him though

I haven’t seen him for a week and started to worry until today jack had discovered flight and was showing off, ok he crashed into the hedge which I pretended not to notice but yes indeed flight had come and he was loving it

But he has left me something and these will be in this mod called....,jack

So coming “home”


Lovely! This is my Jackie who fell down the chimney ........ they should meet up some day! :D

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