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This really get's me worked up!!!


Jan 21, 2013
From http://www.neurope.eu/article/tobacco-directive-be-revised

The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee of MEPs organized yesterday a debate with Ireland's Health Minister James Reilly and Health and Consumer Policy Commissioner Tonio Borg in order to address issues like rules on tobacco additives and labeling, the possibility of updating the EU Tobacco Products Directive on public health, business and tax revenues.
Health Minister James Reilly said that he is committed to “tackle the smoking problem” and called for combined measures to achieve this: “regulation of tobacco products, comprehensive assistance to smokers who want to quit and media information campaigns”.
In addition, Commissioner Borg stated: “tobacco should look like tobacco and taste like tobacco as well, not like vanilla or other sweets. These products are produced in this way to be attractive to the young. Let’s not forget that most people start smoking below the age of 25 and the majority when they are still minors”.

It's this last part which really gets my back up. ''...not like Vanilla or sweets. These products are produced to be attractive to the young''??? What kind of idiotic statement is that??? I wonder does he plan to take menthol cigarettes off the shelves since he's so concerned. And what about fruit flavored alcohol? Should that be banned too, since it must be made to attract the youth?

What a miserable man!
Young people start smoking knowing that it is tobacco and it tastes like tobacco. There is no connection between 'Bassette's sweet cigarettes' and my smoking.
Also young people start smoking due to association with OTHER SMOKERS.
From http://www.neurope.eu/article/tobacco-directive-be-revised

It's this last part which really gets my back up. ''...not like Vanilla or sweets. These products are produced to be attractive to the young''??? What kind of idiotic statement is that??? I wonder does he plan to take menthol cigarettes off the shelves since he's so concerned. And what about fruit flavored alcohol? Should that be banned too, since it must be made to attract the youth?

What a miserable man!

Well, I thought they were also trying to ban menthol in fags too when I watched the fiasco on Monday. They could quite easily ramp up the law on sale to under eighteens if they wanted.

But, the Irish Minister and Borg clearly have an agenda - Otherwise experts in harm reduction would've been invited.

I suspect that they have set the levels in the draft directive on nic by using the level in one normal cig and through their ignorance of vaping, assume that it's the same thing.

If they could be arsed to actually read the evidence that is freely available they would come to a sensible and different conclusion. But sadly, the likes of Borg say (& he did say this) 'I've heard all the arguments'. Now either he has heard them & just wishes to ignore the truth or he hasn't heard all of them and doesn't want to change his opinion based on the evidence.

They talked a lot about 'transparency' of MEP dealings with big tobacco but no-one mentioned transparency in their dealings with big pharma.

I think I'll just go the fridge and drink my juice.
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