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Thoughts. Can an RTA wear out?

Well I stripped the tank down and cleaned it thoroughly, put it back together and everything was lovely for an hour or so. Then back to the burnt hits. It feels like the cotton isn’t wicking quickly enough but when I open the tank it’s saturated. I’m done with it I think, time to put it out to pasture.
I ordered an Aromamizer Lite this afternoon.
Thanks to everyone who replied.
I don't see why they would and have never heard of it before. Have you considered checking all o-rings and seals? They could very well have degraded over two years, causing a partial loss of vacuum in the tank, affecting wicking but not quite causing a noticeable leak.

That's my shot in the dark.

This sounds like the most likely issue, can't think of anything else really.

Incidentally I was thinking a few days ago, I have had the kayfun 5 for 2 years now, almost always on rotation, all o-rings are original, the threads still thread like butter, works like a charm. That's quality in my books.
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