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Three weeks off the nasties!


Jan 29, 2014
OK. Three weeks in and time to reflect.

Day 1. My first order arrives from Micky’s shop here in Thailand and I take a hit of Halo Southern Classic in a unitank mini with vision spinner battery. I’m just back from work and gagging for a fag, so a good time to see what it’s all about. I take a few more and hallelujah! No desire whatsoever to reach for the pouch of Golden Virginia and roll. This continues for the rest of the day, and when I wake in the morning it continues. The Golden Virginia stays in its pouch. This is a revelation, because I’d never really entertained the idea of a total break with smoking. I was cutting down in the hope of eventually switching from smoke to vape, but now I’ve clocked up 24 hours and all I’m interested in is getting more juices. Wow!

The Halo juice is quite nice, as it should be at the price (12 times the price of Chinese juice), but I’ve got two spare clearomisers to play with. My missus wants to join the club so I load her up with Halo in the Aspire CE5 and start playing with the iclear. I have bought 4 Feelife juices with the Halo and get out the Marlboro light flavour. Hmmm. Not sure about this. Tastes passable but there’s an aftertaste i don’t like. I wash it out and try the Green Apple, which if anything is worse.

I go to Facebook and order a 3pack from Vapor Mist, an Aussie dude making his own mixes here in Bangkok.

I’m loving the unitank mini best and order another one and some GLV juice from Micky,. Not sure about the iclear16 which leaks a lot. Another unitank and battery arrive for the old lady and we stay with Halo for our ADV. Vapor Mist’s stuff arrives and is fun, light and fruity, but way too low on the nic for me and my needs. Still, there’s nothing nasty in there and a pleasant aftertaste, even if the leaky iclear makes the driptip taste like a lollipop.
Day 6. Something funny going on with my taste buds. Everything tastes of metal. Is it the vaping? Eventually we track down the likely culprit. Pine nuts.


An obscure condition has emerged in recent years from Chinese – and Korean/Russian – pine nuts. Mouth Pine it’s called, and there’s loads online about it. A few days back we made homemade pesto with a bag of expensive Chinese pine nuts, and I ate the leftovers again 2 days later. It all makes sense. Very unpleasant condition, and can last a couple of weeks or more. Even beer tastes vile. After some more Googling we discover the best cure is Oil Pulling. (loads of info on google)This is an ancient Indian ayurvedic treatment that involves swilling a table spoon of oil around in the mouth for 20 minutes. This is no fun, but guess what? It works. You can feel the toxins oozing out of your tongue as you’re doing it. Very interesting subject and well worth a try if your taste buds are shot. It’s free too, but do yourself a favour and buy some 100% extra virgin coconut oil.l used Sunflower. Yuck!

There’s lots of steeping going on, and lots of youtube vids being watched, then the Deadly Sin and Englsih Bulldog arrive from Good Life Vapor. The DS is pretty nice out of the box, the EB less so. I still prefer the Halo, while the Ol Lady is happy with the DS. She doesn’t much like the EB either. Tops come off and into a dark cupboard with the rest.
Days go by and not a solitary ciggie touches my lips. I’m amazed and very happy, and feel great. The missus continues to have the odd sneaky Marlboro light, but her habit was never as bad as mine in the first place.
The Halo juice is getting lowish so I’m back on youtube watching reviews, even though I’ve already learned that just because something is popular, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be my cup of tea. This stuff is not cheap either, and it’s been an expensive week. Cigarettes are relatively cheap in Thailand, and if you have a penchant for pricey US juices you’re probably going to spend more vaping than smoking.
I try putting a splash of the cheapo Feelife Marlboro with some of Vapor Mist’s strawberry cream. Hmm.. may have found a use for the fL after all? Then again, I’m getting the things I don’t like about FL in my VM vape. The hit is stronger and more tobacco flavoured, along with the sweetness, but there’s a thin chemical film on the roof of my mouth, and a slight itch that hangs around long after the vape. Maybe not such a good idea after all. The missus seems to like it though. One thing’s for sure: Everyone’s palate is different.
The next day I wonder how the English Bulldog will go with a squirt of VM’s sugary vanilla Cortez which basically sweetens up the harsh new juice and tastes quite good. The Bulldog is steeping and may well improve, but I now know that even if I don’t warm to the original juice I can easily spice it up.
Day 9. Decide to celebrate my 10th day anniversary with another Halo juice and order the Tribeca at 18 mg’s. I can’t get the 12 mg stuff down my throat fast enough and am eager to check out another Halo, which so far is my favourite vape. I also order a new atomiser for my Aspire as I’ve destroyed the old one taking it to bits. Doh!
Tribeca is everything and more than expected, and the 18 mg’s give me a hit I’m not used to. Problem is, I now have lots of juices that seem ‘underpowered” by comparison, and the Aspire takes over from the unitank mini as it puts out more vape.
The days roll by uneventfully and still no serious ciggie craving. Taste buds still all over the place and my favourite juices change by the day. I think I’m getting a bit fed up with tobacco juices and need to try something else for a change. I’ve just ordered a bottle of Good Life Vapor’s Melon Boba, and yet another clearo (iclear30b) which I don’t need but couldn’t resist (what is it with this gear fetish?). I’ll get the order tomorrow.

So three weeks – and 2 days - off the fags and going strong. Here’s a quick list of the top benefits.

General health benefits for all. You know all about this. Less wheezing, taste bud rejuvenation, more energy etc…
Cleaner teeth/Fresher breath. I treated myself to trip to the dentist to have them cleaned. (there didn’t seem much point before) well worth it. I’m considering laser whitening that is much cheaper here than the UK.

Less nicotine? The vape pipe hits the spot for those little nicotine pick me ups. I used to sit on the balcony of our condo, roll a fag and smoke the whole thing, regardless of whether I actually needed it. Now I can sit and have a quick tug on the clearo without leaving the room, and I only vape what I need.

More time. I never realised how much time it took to smoke. Especially rollies outside the house. It must add a good hour to my day.

I appear to have cut down on the booze (without trying). Not drastically, but noticeably. Also, I don’t crave the morning coffee vape to anything like the extent I did the fag and coffee. I’m thinking that the “special” relationship between tobacco and booze/coffee is less so with vaping, which is good for me as I’m prone to overdoing both.

Family time. We used to smoke outside (a lot) and our 3 year old is loving having us around the extra time. You can’t put a price on that.

Sorry for such a long post (nobody forced you to read it).

Happy Chinese New Year from the Land of Smiles x
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