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Tips on marking cut-out holes for boxes


Mar 29, 2014
Does anyone have any tips on how they mark out their cut-out holes for their box mods.

Im wanting to drop a sx350j in a metal box with a fairly small form factor, either using the new stealthvape flat sided metal box or the similar product from mod maker.

i won't be using any automated machinery, hand tools and drills/dremels only.

any hints and tips would be much appreciated. If you've taken photos of your boxes at the marking stage, pictures would be great

When I make DNA board mods, I use templates of the holes printed on paper which I cut out and sellotape in place, punch the points that need drilling and cut out the excess with a dremel. Works nicely. :D
Thanks for the advice, where do you get the template from? Or do you make your own?
Thanks for the advice, where do you get the template from? Or do you make your own?

I made my own. Just been looking to see if I kept the original template, but i can't see it on my Dropbox account. The one Maxcat has posted is a very nice one. :)
I have a mental block when it comes to drilling nice neat holes ... they always end up wonky :(

What I do is drill a hole and use needle files to enlarge so that I can get the hole exactly right. A lot more time consuming but less chance of messing up.
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