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Tobacco nasties


Oct 8, 2012
Ok so l'm 4 weeks into my vaping career and l can't find a tobacco that's good, they all seem to be way too strong, l've tried G&S and L&B and a few others but not RY4 that's described as strong anyway, l need a smooth mild tasting mixing flavour, can anyone help me please !!!!
Just to clarify, you want a mixing flavour to make your own - or do you want premixed ?

if you`re already mixing yourself, have you tried drastically reducing the amount of flavour to suit yourself, rather than go by what they suggest ?
If your looking fro an off the shelf ...

steer well clear of anything thats claims to be marlboro ro b+h or whatever .. they are NEVER like them. EVER .. period

my fav tobacco flavours are : puros and ciggarillos

and if you want something smooth with a bit of sweet flavour .. then Kentucky Maplewood, redwood blend, breakfast blend ...

they are my favs anyway
I smoked Amber leaf, or if they didnt have that I used Golden Virginia.

I'm really liking the Gold Virgin concentrate from the [url="http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.co.uk/products/e-liquid/mix-your-own/flavour-concentrates-products.html]Gold Standard[/url] range at Totally Wicked.
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