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Top filling rebuildable atomizer recommendations?

Aug 10, 2014
I'm pretty happy with my V4 Fogger. Only gripe is having to refill the beggar all the time from the bottom.

Any recommendations on something similar but easier to fill. I've seen that the V5 will be out soon but would like some other options?
I'm pretty happy with my V4 Fogger. Only gripe is having to refill the beggar all the time from the bottom.

Any recommendations on something similar but easier to fill. I've seen that the V5 will be out soon but would like some other options?

You can top fill a fogger, it's just a case of holding the glass in place whilst you unscrew the top cap off.

For something else have you considered an Erlkonigin? It's only single coil but it gets a lot of love for it's flavour and it has a genius top filling design.

For a wildcard, what about an Orchid with a kayfun top fill cap?

$10.77 Orchid V4 Styled Rebuildable Tank Atomizer - 4.0ml / stainless steel + PC tank at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
$5.38 Replacement Top Cap for Custom Kayfun Top Cap RBA - stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
You can top fill a fogger, it's just a case of holding the glass in place whilst you unscrew the top cap off.

Wouldn't advise it, I did that and ended up flooding the deck and had juice piss out of the airholes,
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