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recommend new set up


New Member
Sep 3, 2023
Returned to vaping after many years absence. In the very early days I used mechanical mods, top quality tanks, built my own coils and made my own juice (memories eh)

This time around I wanted a quick all in one. Without research (stupidly) I bought a Drag S set up and although the device is OK, the tanks and coils are a waste of money. They leak, no matter what and the premade coils last a few days at best. I use only a menthol liquid (add my own nic to shortfills to make around 18mg) so nothing to burn the coils out.

Throwing money away on these coils (don't want to build my own again) - is there anything out there better or are all premade coils like this? I'm out of the game too long to know.

Looking for a set up where the tank does not leak, the coils (premade) last about a week at least (or am I dreaming of something that doesn't exist). Happy to buy another mod that takes any recommended tank/coil set up.

So...recommend a mod/tank/coil combo - happy to pay whatever if it works. Surely in the years I've been away there is something that works really well? I never had issues with my own builds (OK - top end tanks and mech mods) near 15 years back.

Thanks for anyone who can help - I used to live in vaping forums a decade ago answering all these types of questions :)
I swear by the Vaporesso ITank 2 on any Vaporesso mod. I use a setting called ft/smart on the mod, and love the 0.2 coil around 55w.
You can pick up the Vaporesso Gen 200 mod kit for a good price if you search.

Just had a quick search. Make sure it is the ITank 2, and not the original ITank if you go for it. The 1st link i posted is for the originak ITank i think. The 2nd link is the ITank 2.

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Are you more MTL or DTL? Can't help with the latter really, but for the former I'd say try the nautilus mesh coils (1.0) or vaporesso GTX (there's a shitload, but you want the mesh ones). Loads of stuff takes the naughty coils, and the orion 2 is a nice little device that takes the GTX coils.

sxmini flavourmax is pretty decent simple setup if you don't mind a pod, or the sceptre 2, those coils last for ages.
I swear by the Vaporesso ITank 2 on any Vaporesso mod. I use a setting called ft/smart on the mod, and love the 0.2 coil around 55w.
You can pick up the Vaporesso Gen 200 mod kit for a good price if you search.

Just had a quick search. Make sure it is the ITank 2, and not the original ITank if you go for it. The 1st link i posted is for the originak ITank i think. The 2nd link is the ITank 2.

This would be my suggestion too, if you want a DL kit.

If you prefer more MTL or RDL then might be worth looking at one of the Vaporesso Pod devices that use GTX coils. @hack400 knows all about those.
This would be my suggestion too, if you want a DL kit.

If you prefer more MTL or RDL then might be worth looking at one of the Vaporesso Pod devices that use GTX coils. @hack400 knows all about those.

The Luxe XR Max takes 3 different pods which do MTL/RDL/DTL. It uses the PnP coils, which means the GTX coils also work. 2800mah battery.
Hi @Jusme and welcome to the planet.
Things sure have changed from back in the day.
Like @DMAN above i can highly recommend the gen 200 kit but the itank 2 even though a fab tank and coils is more for direct to lung so you will struggle using 18mg with it. https://www.vaporesso.com/vape-kits/gen200

hopefully someont can advise on the best mouth to lung tank for your 18mg
at least buying this 200 mod kit will have your batteries last for around a good week without charging as you will be using much lower wattage. The kit with the tank works out cheaper than buying just the mod on its own.
Have a look at the Nautilus 3 with 1ohm mesh coil. V good flavour and longevity, no leaks plus you can run it below recommended watts.
The Vaporesso Luxe X has a lot to be said for it, am delighted with mine, or the Luxe XR Max for much the same but with more oomph.
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