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Torn between a Vamo v5 and a innokin itaste mvp v2

Has anyone ever seen a cloned Vamo or MVP? Given there low cost in the first place?
Gotta say Vamo it just looks so much better that box mods.. (Stainless Steel obviously)

and +1 on myepack great price and service.. not found anywhere that comes close on Kangertech stuff..
If your looking for no faff and long lasting battery get the MVP. If your going to be buying mods in the future that require batteries you might want to get the v5.

Or save yourself the trouble thinking about it and buy both :)
I'm with ninjaassasin. MVP 2. Solid device and superb battery life.
You get used to holding the box mod and doesn't feel awkward at all.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I bought a ss vamo v5 from Myepack a couple of months ago, it's a really great setup - also just bought an MVP 2.0 from them aswell - can't fault ash on his prices or customer service
Going to buy the v5 first I think then the MVP.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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