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TPD Clearance Thread

So, when it's 50 pages long, anyone not keeping upto date every few hours has 50 pages to read through, mainly of now sold out stuff? That'd be soooo frustrating.

A better idea would be for us to take over the members wanted section or have requests in this sub, with requests of the cheapest place/sale on/for x y z.

For example,
Wanted: candy king sour worms by dripmore, less than £16.
fellas......this could go crazy pretty quckly. I've no doubt the OP was well intended but even they admitted themselves it could get out of hand pretty quickly. Don't fix if it aint broke i say. Personally, i think starting a new thread is still the best way to go and if you can't be arsed doing that just do a search and add it on to an old one about that company to bump it!!
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