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Two MVPs


Mar 8, 2014
I bought another MVP, just in case something happens to the one I have and I'm left without one. But should I use both now, or keep the new one as new in its box? What I mean is, if I just use one maybe it'll run out in say a year or whatever, but if I alternate between the two will they both run out after that year or will they last double the time? Thanks.
they die after X amount of charges, so by using both at same time each one wil be getting charged every day or two so will both fail quicker, but after a year you will have accumulated so much more kit that you wont give a shit anyway ... lol
Ha ha! Holy smoke, Holy Smokes, I've spent enough already and was hoping to save money by giving up smoking ;-)
Ha ha! Holy smoke, Holy Smokes, I've spent enough already and was hoping to save money by giving up smoking ;-)

You could buy a mod an atty and juice every month and still save money on the fags your body will thank you for it too!!
yeah rotate them this is what i do with my 18650 mech batteries so none are just getting left to fully discharge or being overused you get about 2-3 years out of an mvp anyway so by the time they die the MVP version 25 will be out with sky tv on the side and bluetooth connectivity:P
yeah rotate them this is what i do with my 18650 mech batteries so none are just getting left to fully discharge or being overused you get about 2-3 years out of an mvp anyway so by the time they die the MVP version 25 will be out with sky tv on the side and bluetooth connectivity:P

Ha ha can't wait to get one of those.
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