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Upgrade advice please


Feb 19, 2014
Hiya, I'm getting bored with my current set up, taste of plastic occasionally & lack of flavour and vapor.
My current set up is a standard ego battery 900mah (i think) & a GS-H2.
Looking for vv battery, was thinking of a Vision spinner 1300mah, and a tank to suit maybe aerotank, Davide aspire or similar? Not really that keen on the mvp's looks although they've got great reviews.
I plan to make my own coils, once i've read a few tutorials. Had a go by taking the GS-H2 apart and rebuilding the coil, went well :)

Cheers edbe
I'd go with a vision spinner with a mini protank or a mini vivi nova. Standard cleros with top delivery wicks tend to give a burnt flavour during vaping. I'm upgrading to a MVP after hearing a lot of reviews on here.
Gs-h2 cleros will work well with a spinner but tanks deliver much more caper on my ego c spinner.
Can't speak for the vision spinner although i have seen some people recommend it to other people with a similar enquiry. I do have an mvp 2 though. Seems a lot of people rate the mvp, here's what i say (Basically) It's a good battery pack with the battery built in which means you can't change the battery (Unless you're savvy) It packs a good kick for your atty & is variable voltage & variable wattage. Has a puff counter (Wahoo) & will tell you what resistance your coil is, very handy feature there if you are going to build your own coils.
I have a bugbear with mine where the 510 connector has quite a tall wall around it & the contact pin gets pushed down too far for some attys to reach. It's a known issue & some people tease it back up again with a little screwdriver. You shouldn't have to perform that kind of operation on a product like that but there you go, it happens.
On the upside, a 2600mAh battery can last 2 1/2 days of moderate vaping. There are other features, you can charge a mobile phone from it. Alright for some users but not my interest. It's built very solid & works well but the button is quite hard to keep pressed in.

As for tanks. It's your choice really & i hear the aspire tanks are very good but i havn't used one. Good luck with your venture, worth the homework before the spend i'd say.
vision spinner or itaste vv from myepck should serve your needs the itaste cn be used while charging so it has the edge in my opinion
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