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Vape Domain Concentrates?

nikki from mars

Jun 26, 2013
Hey all have tried a few juices which I know are based on the Vape Domain concentrates (the juices are made by them for a local b and m to me as this company is also v local to me)
So I have bought some of their concentrates of the juice flavours that I like.. (though these may be slightly tweaked for my local shop am pretty sure some are just standalone flavours that will be exactly the same)
So what I wanted to know was if anyone has any experience with these concentrates and can reccomend strength to dilute at/mix at...
If not will try a few diff mixes but dont want to waste supplies as money is tight for me.. so a solid reccomendation would remove some of the guess work and any wastage..
Cheers all
Well without knowing them all I can say is most one shot concentrates are in the 15 to 20% range, though some are as low as 10, you can always add more if needed of course, I would do a small tester at 15% and see how it is.
I've done their blue slush at 15% but found it needed 2% koolada to really bring it to life. Dragons blood, rainbow candy and a couple of others also worked fine at 15-16%
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