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Vape shopping. Where?


New Member
Sep 5, 2016
Hello everyone,

I've decided to start vaping and quit hookah, as I've been a hookah smoker for a long time now.
I've been searching online for the right kit for me but the variety is overwhelming and I feel lost so I'm willing to go to a shop to try and test a lot of vaporizers and juices before making the decision.
My question is where is the best place where I can test a lot of products with a helpful and friendly staff? I also need to know where can I get the best products with the best prices. And by where, I mean where in the world!
As I work as an air hostess and I go all over the world, so as an example is it better in the US or the UK or somewhere else in Europe.
Also I'd appreciate it if anyone can suggest a particular shop for me in London, NY, VA, Munich or Paris, because these are the cities I'll be visiting soon.

Thank you so much all
Air hostess stopped working 15 years ago... they are cabin crew now.
Welcome to the POTV!!

All I can do is give you my own experiences.

An easy way to start out is something simple like the joytech ego aio, or the Innokin T18 (very simple plug & play type devices). Others start on something like the Coolfire 4 Plus - this is a bit more advanced & lets you play around with the more advanced elements of vaping. Whichever you choose to start with pop over to somewhere like liQuid who do £1 vape juice & pick up a selection that you fancy trying, & don't forget to pick up some new coils for whichever vape you buy (as these need to be changed every 1-2 weeks).

Good Luck & let us know how you get on!
Hello there and welcome! Afraid I can't really offer very much advice here - I walked into my nearest vape shop on a whim and was lucky enough to find the staff there very friendly and helpful - they asked me loads of questions about what I wanted and hoped to gain from the experience of vaping and about my current smoking habit - I came out with an elcheapo Kanger Top Evod pen type thing which got abandoned for something else within about 2 weeks but it got me started along the right road and in those two weeks I'd stopped smoking altogether and had started to read more about vaping and had a better idea of where I wanted to go with it. @bobcat gave you sound advice there - keep it simple at first and I wish you the very best of luck, let us know how it goes! :D
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