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MTL Vapefly Alberich MTL RTA

Cheers Rew, you don’t buy a tank for a while and next thing there are about 4 new one’s in contention. What’s a gal to do [emoji4]

You either buy the lot or narrow it down with things the tank must/ must not have.
I’ve had mine since Tuesday, the flavour is fab! It’s a turbulent, noisy tank though anybody else find this?

I read on a FT forum that a user had enlarged the holes round the side of the air pins, saying it’s obvious that the holes should be the same size as the outer hole on the bottom of the tank, it’s quite easy to do as they are brass and quite malleable. It seems a little quieter but not much. Got a mini fused Clapton in so could be that. Any ideas Apes? TIA
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