I think you guys are taking this post too seriously. It's meant as a (trolling) joke. 0.07 ohms? That's practically a short! It's a subtle warning for all of us to do our own research and not just blindly follow advice from "dick heads".
I think you guys are taking this post too seriously. It's meant as a (trolling) joke. 0.07 ohms? That's practically a short! It's a subtle warning for all of us to do our own research and not just blindly follow advice from "dick heads".
Dennis mate, you can fire a 0.07 build on some batteries. I know as I use one. But, you need to leave a rest period, and keep checking on the battery temp.
So, not advisable, but you can.
Ps. Nobody try it as I don't want to be blamed.
Pps. Still laughing at this, what a knob
How many loops of 24 gauge kanthal for that?
I assume there is thicker wire available.
Also, that's pulling 60A!
I'd have to Shunt my two 30A Sonys together to push that envelope. Lol.
What's highest constant current 18650 available?