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Vaping Blues and First Subtank Mini Rebuild


Aug 26, 2013
Hi All,

Been away a wee while as had vaping blues (no juice was doing it for me, tanks sucked, coil sucked, leaks galore grr). But I didn't cave battled through and am still vaping, slightly happier vaping than a couple of weeks ago. Was fed up making juice, bought lots of juice (cheap and gourmet) nothing was wow, just ok. So have run out now and enjoyed making up some of HIC's recipes last night, still to try them but they smelt amazing, am hoping to find a ADV :)
Anyway, in my fed up state I decided I was not buying coils anymore and so my nautilus mini has been shelved and I made my first build on my subtank mini deck, the whole thing was easier and quicker than I expected. I have encountered a few issues though and rebuilt it 3 times in the last 5 days lol

First issue was after a few vapes the ohms would wildly vary then eventualy sit at 9.9 or 0.0 and just not work :( After much coiling, testing, re-wicking I worked out I had shitty wire snips and when trimming the wire once coil screwed in too much was left and touched the casing which caused it to short. Honestly I was baffled for days as every time I tested coil ohm's were perfect, then went haywire once all together. Don't throw your coil away :) It was an easy fix, I couldn't trim it any flusher so I unscrewed each screw that holds wire 1 at a time and used the wee screwdriver to lift coil up slightly, screwed back down and no the wire was sitting flush, problem solved.

I was also so impressed since I had put RBD in no leaks! Wow, never going back to coils. Yesterday it started pissing juice, grrrrr. Wicking is an art, I watched a youube vid, diligently followed the wicking advice. I re-wicked and re-wicked but really the problem was how long you leave the ears of cotton before pushing it back on into the deck and screwing the top back on. If it's wicking and vaping fine (bar it leaking juice - I blow through it and no juice came out the air holes, was stumped) It turned out to be amount of cotton around coil and not an issue with amount of cotton through coil (just a little resistance as you pull it through).

Am dead chuffed with myself :) Enjoying vaping again and can't wait to get m-vapes kayfun lite and also try juice I made last night. It's the first time I have only been surviving on one tank an flavour on the go - tf I have two batteries :) Like the iSick30w better than the kBox though.
Well done! It can be frustrating at times, there always seems to be a little vaping problem that needs solving but when you figure it out & sort it, it's a great feeling & all part of the fun :D
Congrats! It's always a nice feeling to get a build working :)

With the mini RBA, because the wire ends end up right next to the metal cap you can try wiggling the ends of wires until they break. If this works the wire ends are the shortest they can possible be, but you have to have the coil well screwed in to get this to work.

With wicking I'm lazy ... just pull the ends up, slide the cap over, and trim about 5mm above the cap .. the height varies depending with the wicking material, and how thick you've wicked.

You're right though ... if you strangle the wick in the coil the mini's never happy :D
Good job! Rebuilding definitely made me enjoy vaping more! With the subtank mini rba I actually take the leg around the back of the screw and have it facing the coil in the middle and then trim it. This way no chance of shorting and with nickel especially this makes a more solid connection. Wicking is something that improves with practice and you just learn to judge it so just keep at it. Might be worth using a slightly thicker vg juice if you're getting leaking or checking the orings on the Base. Keep at it and enjoy!
Good job! Rebuilding definitely made me enjoy vaping more! With the subtank mini rba I actually take the leg around the back of the screw and have it facing the coil in the middle and then trim it. This way no chance of shorting and with nickel especially this makes a more solid connection. Wicking is something that improves with practice and you just learn to judge it so just keep at it. Might be worth using a slightly thicker vg juice if you're getting leaking or checking the orings on the Base. Keep at it and enjoy!

Thanks Beastie, that's a great tip, I will wrap wire round screw next time. Build going strong or over a day now and no more leaking :)

I mainly make on juice 60/40 VG/PG, would you recommend 70/30 instead to try? I like a smooth vape but know PG carries flavour better so settled on 60/40. Premade juice I tend to buy is normally 60/40 or 70/30, find the 50/50 on the thin side.
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