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Vaping convert


Apr 27, 2014
Hi all, a brief introduction:

I am a complete noob to vaping, having discovered it courtesy of my wife who one day came home with a nice and somewhat strange looking device. Her hairdresser had recommended she try e-cigs and pointed her towards a local shop, so along she went and was sold an eGo battery with a couple of CE4 clearomisers and some silver & gold liquid. I tried a couple of puffs of it but was not overly impressed. However after a week went by she was a convert and had not touched a real ciggie, so she just decided to buy me one.. no discussion involved.

Being honest I had absolutely zero faith and no interest what-so-ever in this device. I had tried using an e-cig before, it was an eLite cigarette look-a-like. I had found it totally unsatisfying, vaguely unpleasant to use and after a week's use had given up trying to quit smoking using it. I still have half a dozen of the little useless cartridges for it in my desk draw.

Fortune intervened, a couple of days past with the new eGo sitting on my desk still in it's packaging. I had run out of my normal Rothman's, it was late at night and I was considering driving to my nearest 24 garage to go restock, then I decided I would wait until the morning and instead use this device. I figured it might at least serve a purpose, albeit short term. So there I am puffing away on this device and strangely quite enjoying it. It definitely satisfied my immediate craving. I went to bed resolving that I would pick up some real ciggies in the morning.

Waking up and with my morning cup of joe in hand once again I decided to turn to the ego.. before I knew it a whole day had passed and not once did I feel any immediate need to go and buy some ciggies. In fact the more I used the eGo the more impressed I became.

I have been a full time smoker since I was 14 years old, 20-25 a day for the past 26 years. I have tried quitting several times and failed miserably. My biggest reason for failing was I simply have always enjoyed smoking as a guilty pleasure. The oddest thing is, stopping smoking has not been on my immediate ToDo list, I had not given it any thought. So here I am a week later, very much enjoying this new world of vaping, I have been reading all I can on the topic and am now a convert. I have not touched a real ciggie and not wanted too. If anyone would have told me 2 weeks ago that I would now be in this position, my (at the age of 40) well practised cynicism would have dismissed that notion immediately.

Obviously it has only been 1 week and far to early to declare victory! However, right now I am very optimistic and have already ordered some new toys, an Innokin MVP2 with the iClear 30s and one of these Aspire Nautilus's with a pack of replacement coils. Oh and a couple of tobacco flavors to try out, the Black Cat griswald and a couple of others.
Welcome to the planet, ex smoker here of 40 odd years, now seven weeks in and honestly not wanted a fag once in that time. I can only say it's been so easy to quit I can't ever see me smoking again. So good luck to you Flyingsmoke and enjoy your vaping.

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well done mate I smoked everyday since I was 15 , if I can stop any one can

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Aloha man, good going for you and your wife getting off the smellies, try some of the other flavours too (caramel goes nice with the morning coffee)
Welcome. I beat you. I have smoked since 14. Had heart attack at Christmas aged 69 !!. I was really forced into stopping. Couldn`t have done it without ecigs. If you want tobacco flavour, look at House of Liquid cigarillos naturales. Good luck.
You can do it! I'm two weeks now away from smoke, and feeling no need to ever smoke again!
What a great intro post.
I love hearing stories like that.
Welcome to the world of vaping ( and of course POTV :D )
Good innit?
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