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Vaping indoors and walls

It also depends on the type of vaper you are, I think. I'm a low wattage 'stealthy' vaper so I get very little residue, just a bit on the windows in winter. People who blow bigger clouds and get through more juice will have more of an issue ....... but it's still nowhere near as bad as tobacco smoke. :)
Ive had no problems with vaping indoors only sticky windows as the vapor tends to stick to glass and thats easy enough to clean.........
We finally bit the bullet. Carol received an unexpected bonus recently so decided to blow it on an Avatar Vapenut.
You may well have seen the youtube demos of this? It IS expensive for what it actually is, BUT, considerably less expensive than replacing Laptops etc. We have small rooms and that is a caveat to getting one of these, they are designed to be placed near where you are vaping to work at their optimum performance, some say that a metre or closer is best.
We have one in the 12X14 Dining Room, which is our everyday room and we now have one on our 12X12 Lounge. They work!!! We are very impressed with how well they cope with 2 vapers. The proof will be in the pudding when Winter comes and we don't have doors and windows open, but from the brief tests we are both very confident that our problems are a thing of the past.

Here's the one in the dining room doing it's thing.

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