Hi fellow people, I've started a thread about vapingthings in the recent past, and the above is relatively recent, so I just thought I'd utilize what is already here, and say why I feel the desire to do so.
So, you all may have heard of an exotic device by the name of, um, what is it again...ah yes, a vamo, thats it, anyway, I purchased my black chrome one from here, nearly no issues, no peeling finish, no explody feelings, 18350 mode great, but 18650 mode rattled, and do I care, not a great deal to be honest, this vamo is a cheap little powerhouse of multiple wonders, so, so what?
Putting the device down, or tilting it at haste would frequently cause the device to switch off, which could be annoying, and quite fatiguing for a gentleman, having to repeatedly press a button from between five to seven times on a regular basis, I can tell you, but luckily I have a vaping dwarf who presses the buttons for me in case of overly-frequent pressage requirement, her name is Grisselda, and she is a Sagittarius, which I think means she only eats centaurs.
Anyway, I had heard tell of hot springs and all that sort of malarkey, being purchased from other vendors, but as is oft the case in the world of Vape, word spreads like crazyfire, and there was no room at the inn, which is a rubbish analogy, but you get me, yes, everywhere was sold out, so I contacted vapingthings via email, telling them of the problems and solutions encountered by others, and of my own particular issue, and he said that even though he didn't have any plans to get some springs in, that he would look into it, and had I considered adding magnets to the end of the battery, so as to build a bridge, like a bridge over troubled volt errs, that I could, lay me down, dude.
Then I thought no more upon such matters for approximately seventy-two hours, then I thought it would be wise to purchase an extra efest 18500 battery, for a device unrelated to this matter, and I went to vapingthings, and lo and behold, he had a packet of assorted magnets for sale, so purchase them, I did, and yesterday, arrived, they...and they do the job bloody marvelously. No disconnecting issues in 18650 mode for the naughty vamo.
But two points to highlight here, firstly, when I had my email conversation with vapingthings, I originally emailed them at about 2am, thinking that I may hear back the next day, but no, I heard back within five minutes, they do not sleep, and secondly, I had never seen assorted magnets being sold from their website before, and I just went there to try and get a link to the product...and I couldn't find one, the assorted batteries had vanished, this site is like the shop from Mr Ben, it is the site where the A-Team and McGyver go to in case they need a high tech packet of chewing gum to get out of an emergency, it is Q to 007, it is the sonic screwdriver in the hands of a timelord, yaddayaddayadda, they could just be out of stock, but that is an absurd notion, now, bugger off.