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Vaporesso Gen S Kit

The kit is so good that I would not be bothered by the pinky color.
But I´m served of mods and atomizers. Trying to get this one would be pure collecting eagerness :D

Another seriously f****** awesome giveaway @DeeDee . You are great!
Oh, btw, forgot to mention, im comin up on 2 years now without the smokes, and roughly $6,000 dollars richer.
Fantastic give away, I gave up on Fathers Day this June, I've gently been suggesting my wife gives up the cigs as well, she has seen how successful vaping has been for me, no horrible mood swings due to nic withdrawal, she like the colour pink this could do it.

1. Amnesiac
2. shale84
3. Banjostring
4. LordOdin
5. oORobOo
6. Social Misfit
7. Hamish McTaxi
8. Jd_
9. Jonty
Once again thanks for sharing lady DeeDee, fantastic
Amazing giveaway again @DeeDee deffo in for this in the hope been looking at it for a while now! Thank you for the chance as always :) x
1. Amnesiac
2. shale84
3. Banjostring
4. LordOdin
5. oORobOo
6. Social Misfit
7. Hamish McTaxi
8. Jd_
9. Jonty
10. Sam Andrews
1. Amnesiac
2. shale84
3. Banjostring
4. LordOdin
5. oORobOo
6. Social Misfit
7. Hamish McTaxi
8. Jd_
9. Jonty
10. Sam Andrews
11. lene

thank you for the chance. this is a great giveaway.
Nice giveaway but I think ill leave this one for the ladies cherry pink just ain't me #notanentry lovely looking mod though
1. Amnesiac
2. shale84
3. Banjostring
4. LordOdin
5. oORobOo
6. Social Misfit
7. Hamish McTaxi
8. Jd_
9. Jonty
10. Sam Andrews
11. lene
12. CP0114

Thank you for the chance! Would be perfect for the mrs, Her double barrell (my hand me down) is on its last legs and been on at me to get her something new! Would be spot on! Thanks again.
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