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Review VaporLips Custom Box Mods


Mar 6, 2015
*disclaimer:- I purchased this item with my own money, and received no sort of discount for doing a review*

So, over the last few months that I have been vaping - I decided I want something a "little bit special". After much internet searching I decided on going with a USA company called VaporLips:-

VaporLips Custom Box Mods

The reason that I choose this company over others is the amount of customization that it allows, which suited my needs perfectly. I had seen them on a recent edition of The Plumes of Hazard episode 66 - they start at about 56minutes in.

Throughout this review (that will be done over a number of weeks as my custom box mod is made) I will provide all photos that are sent to me by VaporLips. They send pictures of every step of the process.

This is the spec that I finally decided on:-

Humpty box

16mm Protruding

Fat Daddy Vapes v4

SX J Temperature Regulating - 150W (dual 18650 series)

Back cover - Magnets

Powder coated - COLONIAL-BLUE

Internal USB just the default one that comes with sx 350j for upgrading

Wires as neat as humanly possible and wrapped in para-cord.

Customer service from this company is the best that I have ever experienced from any online manufacturer (vape and non vape related). Up until the start of writing this review I have had over 40 emails back and forwards between myself and VaporLips, I had so many questions about my mod design and choosing specific part etc. Most emails where answered the same day, with very clear and concise explanations. I had only been vaping a few months at this point, so a lot of this was new to me and they did a very good job of explaining things in a way that I could grasp easily.

So after all this I finally decided to place my order as quoted above. The lead time is about 4-5 weeks. With regular photo updates along each step of the way.
Ok update number 1.

Got the first photos in from David at VaporLips and shows small modifications to the hammond box I picked:-

Raw box from the supplier.

and Michelangelo saw a masterpiece within the block of marble, but how to get it out? This is your box Darren.

Top looks a little different?

This is your box again Darren.

Hammond Lean ?

Some people have heard of it, some people haven't, and some people are driven crazy by it! The Hammond lean. The Hammond boxes are actually slightly trapezoidal in shape. If the box was laying on its larger, flat side, the top and bottom are actually pointing outward a few degrees. You have the bottom which causes the box to set crooked, and the top which will make your atomizer look crooked.

Looking better.

It's not perfect, but almost.

Got to work and forgot your T-Square? Luckily for you, you brought your VaporLips Box Mod, ready to be squaring up trusts'! Vape, and build houses all with the same tool! (*notice - please don't use your vaporlips box as a square for structurally important pieces)

Three milled flat boxes.

Which one wasn't milled flat ?

Finished milled box.

Love the photo's so far and the little story aspect of it gave me a good giggle. I think the next phase is the powder coating so looking forward to seeing how that comes out.

To be continued...........................
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Box back from powder coat, really like the shade of blue that I picked came out really well.

Box is having the chip installed now, so should be completed this week.
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Box ready to be implanted with the SX450j chip. Looks such a mess at the moment.

All tidied up and paracorded to give it that clean look.

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Final Conclusion

So after using the vaporlips custom boxmod for quite a while now, I thought id wrap this up with a final impressions.

I’ve not had a single problem with the device itself, it functions now weeks later exactly the same as when I first received it. The yihi 350j is a proven chip, one that I have used before so I knew the chip itself would be spot on.

The 510 fat daddy connector is holding up well, no marks or imperfections to the threading, despite changing attys on it 10 times a day.

The firing button is perfect with no sign of wear still has a nice subtle clicky feel to it. Same with the wattage up and down buttons.

The screen works perfectly and is easy to clean despite been slightly recessed, the only issue I have with the screen is the mentioned gap in the cons.

Powder coating is holding up really well and really easy to clean, its kind of matte so doesn’t show finger prints much.


Customer service is excellent, with regular updates and quick responses
Quality, the quality of the box and the internals are brilliant, with the wiring been some of the best I have ever seen
Options available
Yihi 350j chip so well suited to all types of vapers

Estimated time to create was 3 week longer. But the company have now changed there estimated lead time, and warn new customers of this.
Price, at about $300 it might not be for everyone. (price changes depending on device/options selected)
Screen, there is a half centimetre gap between the screen and the Hammond box enclosure, which annoys me every time I see it.


I am happy with the service I received despite having a number of problems along the way. The main one was the timing issue, but as stated above they have now changed there policy regarding that.

I would have no esitation in recommending this company to anyone else, as long as they understand it take quite some time to create.

Hope you enjoyied my quick review of vapour lips custom mods. You can find them at the following links:-

VaporLips Custom Box Mods


Photo of the screen gap


And 3 awesome photos showing it in all its glory with my beloved squape (clone)



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Looks great. Any ideas on cost? I visited their site but there are no prices unless you get a full quote. wouldn't mind a ballpark figure first.
Looks great. Any ideas on cost? I visited their site but there are no prices unless you get a full quote. wouldn't mind a ballpark figure first.

Mine as specced in first post came out at
Your quote comes to:
$289 + $20 extra shipping to UK = $309.
If you send the quote form off to them they are really fast to get one back to you. And obviously every quote will be different depending on the choices made.
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The Hammond lean .... I prefer to call it the Hammond slant :D

I have several DIY mods using Hammond enclosures and the slant really gets on my tits

I dont have a mill and the thought of using wet and dry paper + elbow grease makes my hands tired even thinking about it :(

I'll be interested in how this turns out

BTW the choices of powder coating ..... EPIC
The Hammond lean .... I prefer to call it the Hammond slant :D

I have several DIY mods using Hammond enclosures and the slant really gets on my tits

I dont have a mill and the thought of using wet and dry paper + elbow grease makes my hands tired even thinking about it :(

I'll be interested in how this turns out

BTW the choices of powder coating ..... EPIC

To be honest as a kinda new vaper, the hammond lean wasn't something that I was aware of, but I'm certainly glad they sorted it out. As it is something that would have annoyed the hell out of me. Yes the powder coat choices are awesome, this is the actual color that I am getting:-


I also forgot to mention, in my presale chats with them - I discussed sending an SS atty to them (postage paid by me) and getting it powder coated the same as the box. Which they said they could do if it was sent prior to the box been powder coated. Which is kinda awesome. But I didn't have my preferred atty in time (squape R).
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