Hello everybody! I am a new vaper. And I have a lot of questions - I have health-e vape e smart (with a clearomiser) - could you please tell me how long I can keep the tank filled in (I do not vape a lot)?, is it possible to use the same clearomiser (when the previous liquid is used) for filling in with some absolutely different liquid? will it spoil the taste? how to find the most tasty liquid? I mean is it only the way to try a lot of them to find a set which will substitute smoking completely? Please share your experience, because if to start to try all sweety, all fruity, all minty etc, it will be much more expensive then to smoke my usual 4 normal cigarettes a day. Obviously it is a matter of preferences, but, say, which tastes will work better - sweet (caramel, chocolate etc) or fruity (berries, melon etc.). I think for example ice cream taste will only make you crave for food, which is absolutely opposite to the feeling you have after smoking a normal cigarette.. Thank you!