Really enjoyed this video. Saw it the other day on you tube and watched the whole thing. If my Mum can watch this and see that even 65 plus year old lords can quit by vaping then she sure as hell can.
Obviously democracy is failing as public opinion and even the lords fails to make any effect on public policy. Be it agricultural, drug laws, vaping, public services all with well proven evidence for positive policy usually goes the other way. Got to get money out of politics the best we can or nothing will change but continue to get worse.
At least this this was a great endorsement of vaping from the Lords and is really nice to see reasoned and thought out arguments at show and should be a bit more ammo for the future.
A few ideas I have heard before are the civil disobedience that could perhaps be useful, Vendors closing online shops like a blackout to raise awareness( I understand as a previous business owner how crazy that is as everyone is already on a knife edge) .
Thanks to all the people on this forum who have been fighting to save vaping.