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Vision Vivi Nova 2 vs Puff Daddy

I like the look of the viva nova I have to say ... I may well go for one of those
Top review Bryan. Currently looking into alternatives to my carto/tank set up (similar to PD) and thinking of trying the Vivi. You say the replacement cost of the carto vs the atomiser head is comparable, but how long does each last? I use standard Boge cartos and I get an average of 7 days in my tank and, obviously, these cost less at about £1 each...

I have used both the Puff Daddy and the Vivi Nova regularly and for about the same amount. I swap between them - they both have El Toro Cigarrillos vaped in them - the Vivi lends a sweet taste to the juice, the Puff Daddy a crisper flavour - so I alternate. I am on my 2nd cartomizer - I have yet to change the wick or atomizer on the Vivi - I swapped it after about a day's use to a different resistance and it's stayed in place. I have had to clean the tank bottom though Adam and washed the wick in Vodka - this was after 30ml plus of juice. The Puff Daddy tank has remained spotless - I think the Vivi transfers heat to the juice tank where it cooks it slightly, whereas the carto in the Puff Daddy dissipates this more evenly. Very hard to choose between the two - the Vivi would be slightly cheaper to run and is slightly easier to fill - though not much in it and the Puff's tank is almost twice the size.
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