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VOOPOO DRAG 2 KIT/ Exceeding Again!

You could only really rekindle a fire.

Elegantly rounded corners, on the other hand...
My point was not about the grammatical validity of a phrase such as "Rekindle the spark" It is obviously scientifically non-sensical. My point was about the common usage of phrases. "Spark your life" is some Chinese student of English's idea of what might make a good phrase in English whilst retaining some sort of relevance to the product. Unfortunately in order to win over English speaking customers, it would help if the phrase was one that was actually used here, which it obviously isn't.

It's not like Voopoo are the only offenders. They all do it.

On the front page of the SMOK website today.

"SMOK with you every day, any moment" huh?

"From the outer space" what?

I suppose it's kind of cute and in some ways, defines the vaping industry, however, I am slightly saddened by the laziness of these companies.
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I think the point @Cliffyboy1962 is that “rekindle your spark” is as meaningless as “spark your life”. I never hear anybody saying “rekindle your spark”, it may be that it’s a commonly used phrase somewhere, maybe in America, but not here where I live.
Imagine a lambert and butler advert saying “rekindle your spark, with fags”. It would be ridiculous. But then at least you do light fags, in this case it’s even more pointless.
"Rekindle your spark" never said.

"Rekindle that spark" as I said in my OP, quite commonly used.

How about "Rekindle your life spark" I'm always saying that :)
"Veneno kit like the famous bull in the bullfighting, wild and unbreakable."

Another SMOK classic phrase.

Where to start?
Yes, I do agree generally with your point. You’d think, given the amount of money they apparently must be making, that they’d employ someone with at least reasonable english since a big chunk of their target market appears to be english speaking people.

I’m trying to work out what kind of place you
must live that people talk about rekindling sparks. Some kind of hippy commune? California?
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It wouldn’t surprise me if it was to be revealed that they are using google translate to come up with these bizarre marketing spiels.
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