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VTTV meets Linda McAvan MEP

Thanks KMS, I have just watched that, and I really dont believe a word that she says. If she had stated it was light outside, I would of had to check.

In summary, she does not have a clue, I dont know about others, but I didnt really get a straight answer from any questions asked. Living in her fluffy world, will I am sure cost both myself and another 5 million lives, but hey ho all in a days work!

She is throwing so many red herrings into the argument, and that has really wound me up :(
good interview , those at the law making end still not to well informed imo
Hats off to Marco for the interview but I wished he would have pushed her on a few things like how can it be classed as medicinal as the contents aren't medicine? Pushed that if she considers it NRT then NRT can currently be given to 12 year olds (as far as I'm aware). Plus near the end she refers to ecigs as "an alternative to cigarettes", YES THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG!
She's a blatant liar anyway who is just towing her party line.
I want to watch it , and have struggled through part 1 , but why the hell have they put the stupid backround music all the way through it , the sounds bad enough as it is ....
rant over
cliffo I agree with you and commented on the video via YT about the Elevator Porn music, IRRITATING!
@cliffo I agree with you and commented on the video via YT about the Elevator Porn music, IRRITATING!

Thank goodness !!

I,m sitting here thinking i must be getting an old and cantankerous victor meldrew type , but it's doing my head in ..

At least i'm not alone . You have brightened my day ..
Thank goodness !!

I,m sitting here thinking i must be getting an old and cantankerous victor meldrew type , but it's doing my head in ..

At least i'm not alone . You have brightened my day ..

I probably wouldn't have a problem with it if it was barely noticeable, but its pretty prominent and I dont find it relaxing one bit!
Good pornmouth tho'

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I watched this at 5 am. In fairness to Marco he didn't have the time for a full on debate. Agree about the music. Agree with the comments so far.
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