So what do medicines do??
The definition of medicine is as follows: -
Medicine (i/ˈmɛdsɨn/, i/ˈmɛdɨsɨn/) is the applied science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease
Now I am not ill, I want to use vaping as an alternative delivery method of nicotine.
Now it doesnt take a rocket scientist to understand that vaping has to be safer than smoking, end of, period, fact. The reason being is there are several chemicals absent from eliquid compared to tobacco and for that matter cessation products!! So the basic point of deduction is they have to be safer, wether its 1% safer of 99% safer it doesnt matter.
Now the Age argument, at present the industry self regulates over 18's only, but if these pass medical regulation, they can be supplied to children over the age of 12!
Now, the government, EU etc, hasnt come out and stated this is about money (other than an Italian MEP) but do you really expect them to?? The wo main councils around here, have both invested a significant portion of their pension funds into tobacco companies, so not only is it an issue of lost taxs, but that of profits too.
5 million people of this generation wont die prematurely, was a statement made by a professor when asked what would happen if smokers converted. Along with those 5 million will come addition financial burdens of care, NHS costs, pensions etc. Lets be honest life is just a business to governments and countries, like one big conveyor belt.
Add all of these items, and more that I cant be arsed to point out, and whilst its proven as definitive, its 'as close as a snakes arse to the ground', and thats good enough for me.
Show me where the eCig industry is dubious in its claims??