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Vuse e-cig from RJ Reynolds - with new technology

Matt Gluggles

Jan 29, 2013
RJ Reynolds, the second largest tobacco company in the USA and owners of the Camel and Pall Mall brands of cigarettes have held a Press Conference to mark the first stage of the launch of their new rechargeable electronic cigarette - the Vuse.

They say that they have incorporated new technology into their e-cig product that monitors the heat of the coil more than 2000 times per second and adjusts the power accordingly - in order to provide a consistent and "perfect puff" every time.

With the dollars behind their R&D and Marketing, this is going to be a very interesting product - National TV advertising is planned for the USA.

Looking forward to trying one out when they come over here.


Valid opinion.
I can vouch for everyone here when I say forum dwellers are ninety percent weirdos who ain't representative of the public, and though innovations from the rats jumping off of a sinking ship may either end up ruling the vaping waves eventually, backed by moolah, marketing, and muppets (read: elected officials), this particular product is about as interesting in itself as canapes at a seventies swingers party at which only the local vicar has turned up to by mistake.
Still, if one life is saved by what I suspect could end being an overpriced product by a company that has built its profits off of the misery and death of countless others, I guess it's worth it.
Tobacco companies and their leap to the forefront of ecig technology would make most forum goers fall into a category of ' who gives a toss' I guess.

The devil who wanted to kill me all my life now is an angel sent from above to save my soul and enlightenment me to a happy, healthier future.

I can't wait :rolleyes:
I have to say its good to see they haven't fallen into the trap of making it look like a cigarette. If I was just starting out and saw that on the shelf I'd probably go for that, it's small and shiny :)
I think it looks pretty good, will probably sell really well, do more than an ego, be cheaper, work well and turn a lot of people onto vaping.
They have to go mainstream with this stuff.
To be clear, I am glad to see big tobacco companies making ecigs ..... however it is ironic that they have decided to join those who offered an antidote
now its becoming lucrative. Lets hope they don't share in the glory.

If terrorists released a deadly virus and eventually joined those offering a cure, I would be glad, but not grateful !!! :strawberry:
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