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Wack-em out - showus yer ladyvapes luv!

E-cig have the 21700 nunchaku for £19 aswell.
EDIT: Found it, they only have it in blue though, so I will likely get the 18650 version in the iridescent colour I got for review that I gave away.
Is that the same site I linked? As I gave away my review unit Nunchaku to a friend who wanted to quit smoking but regretted it quickly, I may buy the 18650 or 21700 version for myself tomorrow.
If your lady is well to do, the wickets are pretty small and classy. Or what about:
- a pico
- an orion with an rba
- voopoo vinci
- dotmod dotbox
- thelema mini
- vaporesso gen se
A pico is a great choice as well, they are so small and discreet. I recently bought one off of a forum member as I have no idea where my white one went, the stainless steel one matches my Serpent mini RTA I used to pair with the Pico better anyway.
If your lady is well to do, the wickets are pretty small and classy. Or what about:
- a pico
- an orion with an rba
- voopoo vinci
- dotmod dotbox
- thelema mini
- vaporesso gen se

Can't find a Wicket wha'ts the full name please?

Looking at the others led me on to similar alternatives as well so cheers.
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Can't find a Wicket wha'ts the full name please?

Looking at the others led me on to similar alternatives as well so cheers.

It's by limelight mechanics, this is the product page: https://limelightmechanics.com/product/wicket/

They do a few different versions. One with a removable front plate (standard), one without (mono), and one that works like a mech (but is still regulated I believe). For the first 2 you can choose dna or dicodes chipset.

A pico is a great choice as well, they are so small and discreet. I recently bought one off of a forum member as I have no idea where my white one went, the stainless steel one matches my Serpent mini RTA I used to pair with the Pico better anyway.
You know, I've never actually owned one, but I've always liked the look of them!
It's by limelight mechanics, this is the product page: https://limelightmechanics.com/product/wicket/

They do a few different versions. One with a removable front plate (standard), one without (mono), and one that works like a mech (but is still regulated I believe). For the first 2 you can choose dna or dicodes chipset.

You know, I've never actually owned one, but I've always liked the look of them!
Honestly try and get one used on here, I got mine from a forum member for just a tenner, it was in as new condition and still had its box- the previous owner hadn't even pulled out the foam to get to the data cable and instructions hidden underneath the card as the cable still had its tie on it and you could see the card, it hadn't been lifted!

It's also running Arctic Fox, so gives a great TC vape and you can connect it to your computer like you would a DNA mod with Escribe.

They are the perfect small setup mod, with a RDA or a smaller sized 22MM tank you are set for a day of vaping without carrying a brick in your pocket!
How's your kid doing @monstermash ?
He’s a few months out the other side of 3 torrid years of chemo, bearing physical and psychological scars from it and just about to sit GCSEs where he missed most of the course content. They won’t consider him safe for another 4 years yet and if he relapses the chances are bad so is a complex scenario of good, bad, and as well as can be expected. He’s had a run of other ailments to battle as well recently but he’s still kicking and trying to get his train wreck of a life back on track, started going to the gym etc and for that we are of course cautiously hopeful things will be well
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