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WANTED: People for testing our new device

1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G
4. Mawsley

Since we’re doing biographies...
Forum member for years, POTV’s news person, voted the third-most popular man in Irthlingborough (1979), suspected father of at least 37 illegitimate children, amateur cake decorator and semi-professional Donald Trump body double.

I can squeeze the testing inbetween my appearances at the Orlingbury fete and the work I’m doing helping the parents of children with ugly faces (it’s a charity thing, I’m awesome like that).

Also, I have a better mouth than anyone else on the list. My wife can vouch for me. Her handwriting may look like mine but I can assure it will be all her own work.
1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G
4. Mawsley
5. mikechristopher

I would be interested in giving this a try.

1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G

I guess I'll put my name down this time as I've never used any of your products before.

Grey/Orange looks pretty nice.

we only have the white storm trooper looking one as this is pre-release, but it's pretty cool actually, and we did the white this time as we're always doing black mods, the other 2 colours should arrive later after the main launch.
1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G
4. Mawsley
5. Chairmanmeow

Have just been giving feedback to a local b and m on a similar product, and my other half is just about to quit smoking so would be able to give l a new user point of view for you as well.

Edit some
Others replied whilst I was so have updated the list above
1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G
4. Mawsley
5. Coolie27
I’ll give it a whirl please Andy. I know I’ve been lucky and tested other devices.
I fulfil the criteria. Happy to test and give feedback please.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Also, I have a better mouth than anyone else on the list. My wife can vouch for me. Her handwriting may look like mine but I can assure it will be all her own work.

1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G
4. Mawsley
5. Coolie27
6. bestkeptsecret

Count me in, I'm up for putting it through its paces
1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G
4. Mawsley
5. Coolie27
6. bestkeptsecret
7. Ethendinythor

Happy to assist again......If oversubscribed, feel free to remove me from randomiser to allow others an opportunity
1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G
4. Mawsley
5. Coolie27
6. bestkeptsecret
7. Ethendinythor
8. Razuddin

Happy to trial and give feedback, especially as im inkling towards getting a smaller mod/tank for daily out and about use.
1. Wonkyhorn
2. Bellyman.
3. Simon G
4. Mawsley
5. mikechristopher
6. Chairmanmeow
7. Coolie27
8. bestkeptsecret
9. Ethendinythor
10. Razuddin

Updated the list as a few people got missed out there
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