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WARNING - A stupid dumb newbie incoming!!!


Jan 26, 2013
Hello All,

Firstly I would like to say hello, and I have been referred here by someone on another site saying you will all be helpful and a little gentle with me!!

Ok, I have been considering going down the vaper route for sometime, as I am smoking way too much. Now my questions are a follows, because I am so confused with the equipment I need to buy :(

Can anyone recommend me a decent setup (everything I need to satisfy my craving for nicotine!)

What items within the kit are disposable and I will need to replace, and how frequently. I would like to try a few flavours, and want a decent kit, which will give me a kick when I inhale.

Now if you are still reading this far into the post, can I push my luck and ask what type of budget will I need to get started :)

I think I will have to go mail order, as I am located in sunny Weston Super Mare, and technology like this has not yet hit my sleepy town.

I really would appreciate some expertise and advice, and thank you in anticipation. :)
:hello: andy and welcome to the Planet!

I would recommend any kind of Ego starter kit, with ce4 or ce5 clearmisers, maybe mini vivi novas as well.

Everything is technically disposable. A good battery should last you at least 5-9hours a day, at least 6 months (I have batteries going on 3 years old and still working!)

Clearomisers/Cartomiser/Atomisers all have an undefinable life span. Some people only get 2-3 days, others can get weeks (I have vivi novas last me 2-4 weeks)

How many cigs do you smoke? I started with a 36mg juice and quickly went to 24mg so thats a good MG to start at.

Take a look up in our discount page and have a gander at some of our awesome vendors :)
Thanks for your kind replies, but I am sure after I have finished asking questions, you will have a different opinion, lol.

I smoke approx. 40 roll ups a day, and you have already lost me with ego, ce4, ce5 etc etc, lol. I will go and have a gander in the vendor section now. Again, thanks for your time and effort :)
Hi AndyC1971, if you ever make it too Bristol, there is a market stall at st nicks in the city center on Fridays and Saturdays that sells vape stuff, Vapour Generation, they have a facebook page, still, real easy to order online, heaps of vendors, and reasonable deals, to start with a sweet set-up, you will probably need somewhere in the region of £35-50, looking to have at least two batteries, so one can charge whilst the other is being used, a charger, some cartos, and clearos, and juice....all of which means sod all to you, anyway, people will give you advice, but go to the top of the forum page, click on discount codes, discount codes are handy...for discounts...but that page will also lead you to a variety of vendors, general and specialist, that you should investigate, and learn from, get an idea of what it is that you want.

Hope you like it here, by the way.

Edit: 24mg might be a good nic level for you to start at, I reckon?
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Hi AndyC1971, if you ever make it too Bristol, there is a market stall at st nicks in the city center on Fridays and Saturdays that sells vape stuff, Vapour Generation, they have a facebook page, still, real easy to order online, heaps of vendors, and reasonable deals, to start with a sweet set-up, you will probably need somewhere in the region of £35-50, looking to have at least two batteries, so one can charge whilst the other is being used, a charger, some cartos, and clearos, and juice....all of which means sod all to you, anyway, people will give you advice, but go to the top of the forum page, click on discount codes, discount codes are handy...for discounts...but that page will also lead you to a variety of vendors, general and specialist, that you should investigate, and learn from, get an idea of what it is that you want.

Hope you like it here, by the way.

Edit: 24mg might be a good nic level for you to start at, I reckon?

Hiya AndyC1971 and welcome to the Planet :), There`s some good advice to be had here as the above shows :) .
Hi AndyC1971, if you ever make it too Bristol, there is a market stall at st nicks in the city center on Fridays and Saturdays that sells vape stuff, Vapour Generation, they have a facebook page, still, real easy to order online, heaps of vendors, and reasonable deals, to start with a sweet set-up, you will probably need somewhere in the region of £35-50, looking to have at least two batteries, so one can charge whilst the other is being used, a charger, some cartos, and clearos, and juice....all of which means sod all to you, anyway, people will give you advice, but go to the top of the forum page, click on discount codes, discount codes are handy...for discounts...but that page will also lead you to a variety of vendors, general and specialist, that you should investigate, and learn from, get an idea of what it is that you want.

Hope you like it here, by the way.

Edit: 24mg might be a good nic level for you to start at, I reckon?

Absolutely brilliant, thank you. I am happy with that budget, and have just been looking at some vendors, and I will be stocking up on juices. I can make it to Bristol next Friday, as it is my day off, so St Nicholas Market, here we come, lol.

I have just looked at some of this vendors, and am interested in the Joyetech eGo-C Twist VV XL - CE4 Kit. Any better recommendations, and what else would I have to buy. Sorry for being a pain :)[h=3][/h]
Absolutely brilliant, thank you. I am happy with that budget, and have just been looking at some vendors, and I will be stocking up on juices. I can make it to Bristol next Friday, as it is my day off, so St Nicholas Market, here we come, lol.

I have just looked at some of this vendors, and am interested in the Joyetech eGo-C Twist VV XL - CE4 Kit. Any better recommendations, and what else would I have to buy. Sorry for being a pain :)

As it happens, Vapour Generation sells the twists, not sure on the prices though, but it is a damn fine place to start, I have a vision spinner, which is basically the same thing...CE4s, some people love 'em, not me, I'd go for vivi novas and boge cartomizers to begin with, but that is my personal preference, you might love them.
Hi AndyC1971

Welcome to the planet.

The person, that adviced you to sign up to this forum was right.

This is a very friendly forum, that offers you a wealth of information, and on top of that a lot of friendly people that are willing to answer any question you ight have.

I started with an eGo passthough, and even though I have got other PV's EG variable voltage/ variable wattages devices, I still use my passthrough every day, as it is easy to take with me, not so obvious (as I've only got small hands), in addition that I like to have a few batteries and tanks on me, as I use different flavours throughout the day :)

The whole vaping experience comes down to personal preference though, as what seems to be brilliant to one, might be a complete different experience to the other, so findong what device, and what flavour works for you, is all based on trial and error, but don't fear, as we've all managed to worked out, what works for us.
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