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Well hello everyone

Cheers everyone now to try figure out who is who off ukv, I’m gutted ukv has gone because I’d made some very good friends over the years on ukv mmmmm see you got a dovpo vendor on here i just purchased a topside single 21700 last Monday from ecigone and it was faulty so it had to go back which was a pisser because they had no more in stock and aren’t having no more and I really liked the size of that squonker for out and about.
Can't vouch for the vendor as I've never used them
Dovpo Topside Squonker 90W Mod Box
Hello and Welcome, the Topsides are among my favourite Mods and it was the single that introduced them to me. I have 2 with one of them still sealed as a back up, they are becoming hard to find and if you see one snap it up.
I’m new here but not new to vaping, some may recognise my user name from Ukvapers and if so I’d love to here from you

hi & welcome aboard blaster i was a member there myself i was vapermike but did not visit for quite sometime.
Cheers everyone now to try figure out who is who off ukv, I’m gutted ukv has gone because I’d made some very good friends over the years on ukv mmmmm see you got a dovpo vendor on here i just purchased a topside single 21700 last Monday from ecigone and it was faulty so it had to go back which was a pisser because they had no more in stock and aren’t having no more and I really liked the size of that squonker for out and about.

P2Pleon is on here ;)
Hi fellow UKVers come on social misfit it’s doing my head in who you are, bet Leon will quit after he’s finished the last cig his mum gives him
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